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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Well done to the Sixtownships Community History Group who have a DVD out for £5.49 available from Al's Superstore in Ashington or on line from the group. John Dawson has said that it is the first time ever that a compilation has been put together to include our area. Well done John a must buy for my Xmas.
  2. Well done the News Post reports you got 10,000 hits on www. Bedlington co. uk.
  3. Check out The Happy Cats at Charlton's Cambois. They were at the Centurion Bar at the Central Station on Thursday 24th. Free concert with an enthusiastic crowd.
  4. Tomorrow night the Bedlington History Society is giving a talk about the Murders at the Sun Inn in 1913. The meeting takes place in the Coffin Chapel at 7.30.
  5. The landform has won two awards from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations annual North East Pride Awards. This was from an article in the News post Leader 24th October 2013
  6. It seems Peter Arnold from Hexham has won a national prize for a poem in Northumbrian Dialect. Wad Yuh Beleev It? Aye... The occasion was National Dialect day. The Devon audience had to cope with lowp, dunch and bogle. Next year the event is held in Cumbria
  7. Just visited Charlton's at Cambois. Brilliant! Someone said it was owned by a relation if Jack Charlton. Either way great place for a walk and then a pint. Oops sorry a coffee..
  8. Shame about the result. Sadly I always feel sorry for the losers. The Vicar at Mitford Jack Richardson always used to pray for the Toon. He did follow up with 'just as long as the Toon were ahead of Sunderland in the league'
  9. They have been recording at the Sage for Radio3. We were lucky to watch the recording of Words and Music Who's in Control . Start the week tomorrow on Radio4, has a Geordie content. Worth a listen or download as podcasts.
  10. Today in Morpeth town hall the Roland Bibby memorial lecture was Raymond Reed (Stakeford) giving a lecture on Dialects of Northumberland. The talk was free and wine etc was provided Contributions accepted. Anyone interested in Northumberland or language would have been impressed. It was videoed so maybe it will be available to anyone. I am really proud to be from our town and county. It has such a rich heritage. The humour of his poetry is brilliant. Something we all grew up with .
  11. Long live controversy, and Threegee theories. How about for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  12. Taking part has now become fashionable. Dance, music etc are no longer seen as just for a minority. Break dancing, hip hop are popular with the young and maybe will/can stop excessive use of computer games. The community gains where people communicate on any level.
  13. Physicist Peter Higgs was born in Elswick and lived in Newcastle as a chid. He has won the 2013 Nobel prize in Physics for his work on what has become known as The God Particle. He developed the theory with Francois Englert of Belgium who is the joint winner. Page 11 The Journal today.
  14. Seems like 'This is one I made earlier' Malcolm Have you got a Blue Peter Badge or did you enjoy airfix model making in the past.
  15. Brilliant Symptoms. What else could we bring to life?
  16. Thanks Wonky. Your life sounds good. We are not musical but love to listen to live music of any sort. A friend loves the violinist Joshua Bell. She is in stage 4 cancer and close to death but still made it up to the proms to see him. Music is that important to some people.
  17. Think maybe it is a case of 'more important than life and death' Enjoy the celebrations
  18. I want a bench for the garden Malcolm. When can we buy them.
  19. Here's the thing Eggy. Dylan went electric and people complained. Music is subjective but sometimes the LP /Cd you don't much rate turns out to be your all time favourite. Keeping an open mind, we feel music is a great educator and we subject our kids and now Grandkids to music we enjoy. Amazing how they now turn the tables. The music scene in Ireland is brilliant wonky, you are lucky to be part of it. Listening to Synergy we often felt someone had raided our music collection!
  20. We have been to Kelvingrove and Edinburgh today. All feature in the film. When I go to buy a Proclaimers cd I may have to ask for a plain brown paper bag. Seem to remember making fun of one of my kids who bought their record.
  21. I Wanna be Yours, appeared on the GCSE syllabus around 2000. Hence a whole host of new followers. One girl in front of us said that was the best of nights.
  22. Look out for an advert for McCains chips. Mostly it seems an ad at the cinema. Very good with the man himself. The Article Monkeys use his lyrics on their latest cd. The film they showed at the Tyneside was called :- 'Evidently John Cooper Clarke' We think it has been on the tele, maybe worth a look on U tube etc
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