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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Pendlington of Choppington. I have not heard of that name in Bedlington before, it is very close to our town name.
  2. Church graveyard and another Foggan
  3. The folks bought a Morris Minor convertible and suddenly day trips were organised. The Sunday run. Let's go out for a run had a different meaning then! Holidays usually meant my Dad went to work on the farm. On two occasions we went away, once to Bassentwaite for three days in a caravan. The other was to stay with a cousin of my Dads in Scotland. I cannot remember feeling that I missed out in any way.
  4. Morpeth have detailed information in the church graveyard.
  5. Do you dream of being cold or is the air con enough.
  6. Double posting again, sorry but it has a time delay and seems not to be taken up.
  7. A Foggan Gravestone about to be levelled I guess.
  8. A Foggan Gravestone about to be levelled I guess.
  9. Wonder what the tale is with this person named Yule. Why was the grave erected by his work mates?
  10. Eddie Izzard talks about knocky door ginger but the average age in his gang in Bexhill was about 70. Mrs Stevens could not get down the path quickly and they had to go in for coffee!
  11. The boiler was in the wash house for white washing and the Parnall washer was in the kitchen or scullery. Wash day was a Monday and I even remember the music playing on the light programme. I hated wet Mondays and the washing drying inside. Left overs for lunch/ dinner! Happy Days. Even fish on a Friday.
  12. Steps back in time to a thriving town. Churches, garages, shops all doing well. The irony of using the Internet for communication, for shopping etc, but looking fondly at the past when things were different. It is often the simple things that matter. A friend is dying of cancer and we were remembering all the times that people have been kind and thoughtful. Strangely the people who are not we simply edit out of our lives.
  13. This is great, anytime any of us have a word we think we used but are not sure it is a reference point. Well done John. Canny bit of work like!
  14. I met up with Miss Wilkinson later in life. Amazing how the passage of time makes us all equal. Retirement is another great leveller.
  15. Our temperatures are merely upper 20s but with no air con in our houses it can get uncomfortable. All the insulation, cavity wall and loft do not help. We should come alive at night and party! Perhaps on the beach but keep thinking that cold breeze could strike at any moment. Over forty degrees now that really is hot, how do you survive. Bertha Burns tea rooms were up the stairs. The cakes on a stand, the sandwiches everything was presented so well. Retro, it would do well now. Ah for high tea and the argument about lunch dinner and tea. Which meal and when. Dinner was at lunch time and tea was a meal too. That does not include the posh 'supper'!
  16. The heat is making me think of happy days. Bertha Burns tea rooms in Morpeth and an old Aunt who would buy me a cream tea after school. Bus from Nedderton, no need for Adult supervision
  17. Bloody I products Craster of course. Still it counts as a joke!
  18. After a high tea of Craster Kippers, I am left wondering how many people went to Craster and bought a box of Kippers to bring home. Circa 1950s My Dad had a Norton Motorbike and me as pillion passenger. My Mum had an ex police scooter. Happy Days. It would now cost an arm and a leg for a box.
  19. Are the leaves evergreen? They look small but like Laurel? Obviously the flowers are not laurel. This is a little like a Keith Quiz.
  20. The grass was cut on the green and we would collect the cuttings. Raiding others collections when and if the occasion arrived. What simple pleasures. Secret messages knocked on walls. Walking outside from one window to another. Opencast playtime. Born slippy
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