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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Names updated - Katherine McLaird - Cambois Facebook group.
  2. names updated by Billy Bewick and Ann Taha - Cambois Facebook group.
  3. West Sleekburn - 1962-63 season. photo from No 14, David Wilson, via Drew Garrow on the Facebook group Bygone Bedlington. Names from Bedlington, & Cambois members and David Wilson.
  4. I could be wrong about Gordon's age - I just know he was with our crowd first at the YMCA then whatever pub we could get into. A few names from our crowd are Robin Hills - Davey Bower - Gordon Winter (with Tommy following) - Raymie Tyrie ( I was Raymie & Val's best man at Morpeth registry and that would be around 1965 or 66) - Steven Locker - Norman Hills (Robins Cousin) -Norman Robson - Michael Joseph (Jass = boxer) - Ronnie Ince - Alex Third - Dave Aisbitt and older than us but we all mixed = Bob Patterson (or was it Pattinson) - Alan & Mick Maguie (think Mick was younger ) - and there were loads more good friends and casual acquaintances . I think the whole of Bedlington Station must have been mates - including the lasses that I haven't mentioned any names.
  5. Never played with a file with a file extension of HEIC before. Had a quick Google of HEIC files and it looks like you would have to Download software, from various sites, that would convert your file to various other formats including jpeg. However I found a site that allowed you to upload your HEIC file directly to the site and they converted it. I downloaded your HEIC file Vic and used a site - https://heictojpg.com/ By selecting Copy for your file in my Download folder and then Paste in the box the website was displaying the site uploaded, reformatted and then gave me the option to Download the file it had converted to jpg format. I did that and got :-
  6. Dennis - Vesta - Gordon & Tom are the four Winters I know from from Melrose Avenue. I think Dennis was the oldest. There is a photo in the Gallery - Bedlington Station 1st School album - 1950's with a young Vesta in it. Gordon is my age and we used to knock around together in the 1960's. Some lads had stolen a car and ditched it close to the tent were Gordon, me, Raymie Tyrie, Robin Hills and a couple others camping in down the Free woods. The police woke us up early in the morning and took us off to the Top End cop shop for questioning. Naturally we were released without charge. Tom the youngest tagged along with us when he reached drinking age, or probably the year before. Gordon and Tom still going strong. I had a chat with Gordon last week on Facebook Messenger.
  7. c1972 - photo from Karon Ross, No 3, and names from Karon and the members of Facebook group Bygone Bedlington.
  8. I know what you mean - I should stop trying to multitask, my gender can't really do that
  9. @Canny lass - last one from John Krzyzanowski.
  10. Cheers Ovalteeny. In that case first bit of info found = Newspaper article posted by John Krzyznowski on the Facebook group Bygone Bedlington :- And the 2nd, again from John Krzyzanowski :-
  11. @Canny lass - @Ovalteeny might have download and saved some photos and info of Hollymount Hall from the Bedlington Facebook groups as his family lived there for a couple of years. This is the one photo of Hollymount Hall that I have downloaded.
  12. Photo from Sharon Nevens - names from Sharon & Tony Dennis Cambois Facebook group
  13. photo from Trevor Elliot and names from Trevor and other members of the Cambois Facebook group.
  14. Photo from Pat Robinson & names from Pat and many other members of the Cambois Facebook group.
  15. photo and names from Patrick Halley - Cambois Facebook group.
  16. Photo and names from Yvonne Anderson - Cambois Facebook group .
  17. Clearer photo from Anne Crosby, Facebook group Bygone Bedlington, and with a year of 1957. Numbers added by Anne.
  18. @Canny lass - after many comments and confusion on the Facebook Past Times History group Nicola Ternent commented :- Right apparently Biff Smith is 1, Jackie Appleby is 7, Tommy Percy 19 and Joe Jones has told me that Joe grant was solo cornet but Joe Jones is not in this pic.
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