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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Helen Bradford shared a post. 19 mins Gallagher Park Live Festival 20 hrs Save the 18th of July in your diary. You won't want to miss this year's fantastic line-up. We will let you know your headline band in the next few days. 🤩
  2. @Ron Shields - posted your photo on the Facebook group - Bygone Bedlington - and a couple of the members - Wendy Dryer (Nee Benson) and George Latty have identified a few of the pupils. I have added your photo to the Bedlington Station 1st School album and added a second copy with some names added to the photo. This is a link to the album :-
  3. Names from Ron Shields (this group) * Facebook group Bygone Bedlington members Wendy Dryer (nee Benson) & George Latty. Wendy & George can't name the teacher but there are convinced it is not Miss Pringle.
  4. Wouldn't have a clue @Tonyp - there are two supermarkets - Lidl & Morrisons but I've never been in them Probably 30 years ago, when we used to live in Cramlington the Safeway supermarket used to sell cutlery, or you got pieces free depending on how much you spent, and the mother-in-law used to keep getting us pieces, every week. We couldn't feed an army but we could set the table for a squad of soldiers
  5. Done - I will let you know if there is any response.
  6. 1970's - St Benet Biscop school at Ford Castle. Photo and all the names, that have been added, from Lynn Oliver Dytham, No 33, off the Facebook group Bygone Bedlington..
  7. @Ron Shields - just noticed this photo you posted of Bedlington Station Junior School photo. Would you like me to add this photo to the Bedlington Station 1st School album (in the Historic Bedlington group of the Gallery) and see if I can get some names, from the Bedlington Facebook group members, to add to your photo? There is a photo of Miss Muter's class, taken in the same place and with the same benches, from Les Lynn in the album that Les though was the early 1950's.
  8. Photo from Les Lynn - Facebook Bedlington remembered group. Names from Les and members of the Bedlington remembered & Bygone Bedlington groups.
  9. @Joe McNally - would you like me to copy your comment and post on the Bygone Bedlington group in response to John's update of the names?
  10. I remember that. In October of each year, early 1960's, we used to cycle from the Oval, looking for conkers, to Mitford via Nedderton, Hepscott and Morpeth. There were two groups of Horse Chestnut trees in Nedderton - first on the left as you rode through from Bedlington and I think they were next to a farm house or farm buildings and the second group was on the right outside Netherton Hall. The next place was one my older brother and his mates took me to, Hepscott Manor & cottages ,but they didn't tell me what the buildings were used for just that I had to keep quiet and hide every time someone came along the road. Think it was probably three years before I realised I was hiding behind walls when blind residents were walking up and down the lane.
  11. No's 6,7, 10 & 17 named by John Routledge - Facebook Bygone Bedlington group :-
  12. Jane Robson, Bygone Bedlington Facebook group, updated No 15 to Raymond Neesham.
  13. No's 5, 20 & 21 updated.
  14. No'3 5 & 6 updated.
  15. Reedy also followed up with this lot :- Paul Reed Yesterday at 20:03 For Sale - selection of local history books. Please see the images below. £10 or nearest offer for all booklets or happy to accept offers for any individual ones. I can drop the booklets off in Bedlington or nearby. Please messenger me if you’re genuinely interested. Thanks for looking. These sold within two hours.
  16. Names from David Richardson - Linda May Watson off the Bygone Bedlington group and Carrol Massen off the Bedlington remembered group.
  17. @Reedy - posted this in the Facebook group - Bygone Bedlington :- Paul Reed 43 mins For Sale - a selection of ‘Bedlingtonshire Revisited’ magazines. 2002 - March, June, July & Christmas Special. 2003 - All 12 monthly issues plus Christmas Special. 2004 - All 12 monthly issues plus Christmas Special. 2005 - 11 monthly issues (April missing) plus Christmas Special. 2006 - All 12 monthly issues. 2007 - January, February, March, April, May July. Originally selling for 90p per issue. This bundle consists of 60 issues for which I’m asking £25 which works out at just over 41p each. I can drop the booklets off in Bedlington or nearby. Please messenger me if you’re genuinely interested. Thanks for looking.
  18. Some names from Stuart Dobson & Christine Brewis - Facebook Bedlington remembered group.
  19. Dave says - 'Halloww' back and that he hadn't seen you for quite a while.
  20. Bill - done.
  21. @HIGH PIT WILMA - I think it is Bill - I've asked him - let you know his response.
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