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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. N0 13 updated - STOKE to STOKOE.
  2. No 17 updated
  3. @BJT - There was South Row at Bedlington Station, next to the Bedlington 'A' pit, and a New South Row at the Top End of Bedlington next to the Doctor pit. The Doctor pit, and colliery rows, were at the bottom of the Glebe Bank and on the opposite side of the road there was Thompsons store. I can’t remember the store but I have seen many references to it and I believe it was opposite Doctor Terrace and there is now a car dealers, Cars4U North East Limited, in it's place . The photo of Thompsons shop is taken from one of Evan Martin's books on Bedlington. This is an extract from a 1924 map showing the South Row, next to the 'A' pit, at Bedlington Station. Can't remember anyone ever mentioning there was a Thompsons Store at Bedlington Station
  4. Photo from Layna Alexandrou-Panayiotou - Facebook group Bedlington Remembered. Layna did not know the exact year of the photo but we have another photo, dated 1930, in this album from Louise Scarr with the same teacher (probably the Headmaster) man wearing the exact same outfit as No 36 in this photo.
  5. Photo from Carron Cunningham and names from the Facvebook groups Cambois & Bygone Bedlington members.
  6. Three more football photos from @Reedy's dads collection that he believes must be old Bedlington teams , otherwise he wouldn't have them, but unfortunately nothing else can be remembered about these photos. If I manage to find any info on these photos I will add them into the album :-
  7. For anyone that can't select rosco's link this is an extract from the Advance Northumberland site :- Advance Northumberland is pleased to confirm that contracts have been exchanged with supermarket chain Aldi for the sale of a 1.5 acre site that will deliver a new, 19,000 sq ft anchor food store in the heart of Bedlington Town Centre. Aldi will form an integral part of this exciting scheme, a development that is already attracting a number of other national retailers who are lined up to join them. Working on behalf of Northumberland County Council, Advance Northumberland is leading in the delivery of a major new development that will reposition Bedlington as a retail destination, improving amenities and giving local people greater choice. Further announcements of other retailers joining the scheme will follow over coming months. Aldi have given a clear commitment to start on the site in 2020. Advance Northumberland plan to commence their works to ensure both developments are aligned. Once complete it is estimated the combined schemes will create over 180 new jobs along with 70 construction jobs during the construction phase. Richard Wearmouth, Chair of Advance Northumberland said: “The project is central to the regeneration of Bedlington Town Centre, we are delighted to announce a commitment to the scheme and provide much needed new retail amenities for local people. Aldi will provide a resurgence to the town centre retail offer and will drive footfall to support and attract other retailers. We have put a significant amount of resources and time into this development, demonstrating our commitment to deliver the best possible outcome for Bedlington.”
  8. Alan Dickson & Elaine Yarrow - Facebook group Barrington, Barnt' n memories and stuff!! have confirmed No 39 = Eileen Ellwood
  9. @Joe McNally - cheers Joe. One day I might just sign up and to one of the genealogy sites and access the info.
  10. Photo from Graeme Younger and names from Graeme and Keith Patterson - Facebook group Bygone Bedlington.
  11. @chris holland - names updated
  12. @Joe McNally - shot in the dark - recognise Mrs McNally or the name Bank House from the photo above?
  13. And the next one to try and identify is :- 'Bank House Bedlington' and 'Mrs McNally' written on the back of this photo from Maureen Quait. Anyone heard of the place or the lady?
  14. Details Come along we will be there with our handmade gifts and Avon products Free entertainment at bedlington west end community centre , Bedlington Brassband , free visit from santa claus with a free gift , lots of craft stall to browse around selling loads of xmas goodies. Home made xmas cakes ginger wine. And loads more , face painting raffles. And much more , The children will love to make xmas crackers . And other home made gift . We have xmas eve boxes . Reindeer dust sweets , And even more fun xx Please contact Wendy Fennell Lawson for more details
  15. Names from Bygone Bedlington Facebook group members - Florence Palmer - Colin Cheesman (No 6) - Barry Swarbrick (No 5) and Gwen Finnigan.
  16. Photo from Liz Peart - Bygone Bedlington facebook group and Liz's mam has supplied the names.
  17. Photo from No 2, Sonia, and names from Sonia - Karen Shaw - Graeme Younger & Gina Watson Bygone Bedlington Facebook group. There was a debate over the year photo was taken and why the ball has 'Westridge' written on it . It would appear that during the transition period - Westridge school closing and the pupils moving to Meadowdale - the netball, and football teams, when first at Meadowdale still played under the Westridge name.
  18. Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

    Meadowdale Academy

    Hazelmere Avenue, Bedlington NE22 6HA. Meadowdale was purpose built as a middle school in 1977.
  19. Names updated by Anne Sanderson - Facebook group Bedlington remembered.
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