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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. @Andy Millne Don't recognise the shop - it looks like a mixture of everything - off licence - newsagents (magazine rack at door) - photo developing & coffee shop = 'bar stool at entrance. Had a Google search using the name - Victor _RENCH CUSTARD ____ Cream. Looks like it could be America☺️
  2. Then & Now (Google Street View 2016)- the vet surgery where Beadle's shop and The Gardners Arms used to be. And my memory says Ernie wore a blue & white apron when he did his door to door sales.
  3. Malcolm - historical Time Line of Bedlington now under the 'Info' menu :-
  4. @threegee Andy thinks the same - see comment in another image :-
  5. Phoenix Row, Bedlington Station. Looks like they took two photos on the same day. This one from Evan Martin's book - The Archive Photographs Series Bedlingtontonshire @Andy Millne - I have enhanced your photo and I will have a go at photo-shopping this image to remove some of the blemishes.
  6. Photo on it's way of F.C. Carr & Son newsagent,, right of Millne's, but probably from the 1950's - I'm waiting for the person that posted the photo to give an approximate date. I'm sure I have seen the name Carr's, but can't remember where, so I am guessing that FC Carr handed the shop on to his son. Roll on tomorrow - time to close down PC🙂
  7. @lilbill15 - the only crisps I eat are plain Kettle crisps 🙂 - sometimes I go wild and have 'ridge cut' plain kettle crisps. And it's been like that since my mam would by the plain crisps, with the blue salt bag in, from Ernie Gurney who was out selling his wares in his butchers van in the early 1950's and called at our house = 5 Coquetdale Place. Can't stand the other flavours like roast chicken - vinegar - cheese and onion etc. etc so the spicy flavours, that burn my pallet, are out of the question😊 You mentioned Ernie Gurnie in a previous comment. The only shop I can remember him from was Front Street East, just past the Gardners Arms :-
  8. These are not the 2021 census figures but they total 93,275 for Ashington, Blyth, West Bedlington and Bedlington Station
  9. @Canny lass - Can't remeber a cafe in Millne's but there again I never spent teen years at the Market Place/Top End - all spent at the Station where you could get a cup of frothy milky coffee in the early 1960's - Moscadinni's. @lilbill15 - can't remember the name of the Fish & Chip shop at the Market Place - no name on this photo from the @johndawsonjune1955 collection :-
  10. There are no restrictions on downloading images from any album within this group🙂. Select the 'Image Tool' menu on each of the album photos to get the Download option.
  11. Was that Baccis' coffe shop/bar (a few doors to the left away from Millne's) you are talking about?
  12. My comment should read .... the number(s) printed... Not .... the(s) printed...
  13. Old postcard of Front Street east and I think I have the shops named in the order they would have been when Millen's was about but those names may not have been present when this photo was taken. I know there are some who can date postcards from the(s) printed on the postcard. This one has G 3211 but I can't date it☺️
  14. Photo and info from Evan Martin's book - The Archive Photographs Series - Bedlingtonshire.
  15. And another comment on a larger mosaic :-
  16. Then & Now (Google Street View 2020)
  17. Comment on Bygone Bedlington FB group :-
  18. Is this Front Street East @Andy Millne? I can't remember ever seeing a photo of any part of the Front Street with such a high step(s) up to the pavement🙂
  19. Copy of the comment posted by @Jammy (at the end of the photos)
  20. @JammyJust noticed your comment - I'll add it to James photo of the Market Place🙂
  21. @James I was looking through Evan Martin's book - The Archive Photographs Series, Bedlingtonshire - and there is this photo of Pit Row. I know you have mentioned you are looking for a photo of Bell's Place. Not a full shot of any of the houses but would that be Bell's Place on the right of this photo :-
  22. @Canny lass - @Ovalteeny - @HIGH PIT WILMA was this the only mosaic of St Cuthbert or was there a larger one that all the pupils had tom pay for one of the tiles and they had there name inscribed on the back of the tile they had paid for?
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