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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. A few christian names from Bygone Bedlington Facebook member Allan Kidd (Bedlington lad living in Canada).
  2. A photo from 2018 that @James posted and I shared on the Bygone Bedlington group and Esme Dent answered my query about wnich end of the row No 1 was at.
  3. Back in 1960 Ken Russell made a remarkable film about mining in Northumberland called The Bedlington Miners' Picnic. John Gibson was a Bedlington miner in the 1960's working down the pit and making a decent living. He was also the real life star of a Ken Russell documentary film - The Bedlington Miners' Picnic in 1960. One of the photos taken was of John Gibson, of Bedlington, going work, at Pegswood Colliery, on his bike along Shiney Row. With one photo Ken Russell posted he added some info saying the miner was - 'on his way back home from his shift' but my view is that the miner is cycling out of Shiney Row, onto the main raid, to make his way to Pegswood Colliery. This is the photo, with the Dr Pit in the background, with some of the info that went with the photo :-
  4. 1968 Diball Cup winners - photo from John Krzyzanowski - Bygone Bedlington group.
  5. 1. In which English county is Much Wenlock? Answer = 2. How wide apart are the ‘tramlines’ in tennis? Answer = 3. How many syllables are there in a haiku? Answer = 4. Who is the patron saint of tax collectors? Answer = 5. Which organization has the motto ‘Courtesy and Care’? Answer = 6. For which country did David Campese play rugby union? Answer = 7. From which language does the word ‘shampoo’ originate? Answer = Indian 8. What is a chuckwalla? Answer = 9. What did Shakespeare describe as ‘Green-eyed monster’? Answer = Jealousy 10. Which scientist, who produced the Laws of Motion, was born on Christmas day 1642? Answer = Isaac Newton 11. Bilbo Baggins appears in which book? Answer = 12. What is Britain’s most remote inhabited island? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Telephone boxes have been in use since June 1880. Payment was made to an attendant. Answer = I didn’t
  6. @Maggie/915Now that's weird as HPW and I often send personal messages to each other. Have you recently sent personal messages to other members? Try sending one to me to see if you have success or the same result you got trying to massage @HIGH PIT WILMA
  7. Tell me - the wife keeps saying we need more cupboard space - I respond with stop stockpiling objects never used anymore and throw out the old and make way for the new🙂 @Maggie/915 - see previous comment, from HPW.
  8. @JosephineFunderburkDo you mean work at the 'giga' plant or building houses?
  9. @Maggie/915 - just spotted your photo - have you moved to Scotland?
  10. I wonder if this could be the start of some house building in Cambois? I don't know why but construction companies have never built on the land where the old pit and pit rows used to be. The surrounding towns and villages have had housing built on every spare piece of land, but the land between the A189 to the coast at Cambois has not been built on.🙂
  11. 1. Which Japanese word (English spelling please) translates as ‘Empty Orchestra’? Answer = Karaoke 2. Who could only play one tune – Over The Hills And Far Away? Answer = 3. Off which group of islands would you find Bishop Rock lighthouse? Answer = 4. Which English monarch had a horse called White Surrey? Answer = 5. Who missed the last penalty in the 1994 football World Cup? Answer = 6. What are the three ingredients of a Harvey Wallbanger cocktail? Answer = 7. Which British architect designed the Cenotaph? Answer = 8. How many months have twenty eight days? Answer = 9. The Star of Africa is what type of gem? Answer = 10. Apart from Newcastle United which other team is nicknamed The Magpies? Answer = 11. What sort of creature is a Hairstreak? Answer = 12. What is the name and profession of the hedgehog character created by Beatrix Potter? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The CIA once employed a magician to teach agents how to use sleight of hand in their work. Answer = I didn’t
  12. @Rigger can't help with any of the names. Are you searching for info off your own back or is this in connection with the Bedlington Community Centre Creatives Group?
  13. The photo was originally posted, outside the album, by @Ernie Rowe. Ernie did give a list of names but the teachers name and one of the boys names was missing from the list for back row so I could not add all the names he listed. The Bygone Bedlington group members have matched three of the names from Ernie's list leaving the teacher plus one boys name unknown and these three boys names left to add :- Jimmy Wallace, Dougie Horn, Ernie Row.
  14. singing and dancing in the rain - doo be do do, doobe doobe do do, doo be do do, doobe doobe do do, doo be do do, doobe doobe do do
  15. @Bill Crosby - see the latest two comments from @Canny lass & @Bedlingtonian
  16. 1. Of which instrument was the sackbut a forerunner? Answer = 2. Which Riviera fishing village was an independent republic from the 15th to the 17th century? Answer = 3. What are young grouse or partridge called? Answer = Cheeper 4. Who invented the steam turbine in 1884? Answer = Charles Parsons 5. What is your philtrum? Answer = 6. Arch, whorl and loops are all part of what? Answer = 7. Which fruit was discovered by Christopher Columbus in Guadeloupe in 1493? Answer = 8. Which spice is made from the outer covering of the nutmeg? Answer = Mace 9. What did goalkeeper Gordon Banks reputedly put on his hands to improve his grip? Answer = 10. What are auctioned at Tattersalls? Answer = 11. What record was a chart-topping hit for Showaddywaddy in 1975? Answer =Three Steps To Heaven 12. What is the smallest independent state in the world? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Flamingos can only eat with their heads held upside down. Answer = I did, David Attenborouh told me
  17. @Malcolm - as expected no links to any documentation on The Grey Lady - just stories past down through the generations. You could look for the lady yourself - buy a flat in the hall or a house on the estate :- One last comment from someone living there now :- Sue Jensen We’ve lived there since the conversion 18 yrs ago. (In the servants wing) Builders working on it said they had experiences of things happening. I have occasionally felt like a human sized draft passing me but never been scared. May just be my imagination
  18. Anther comment on the Bygone Bedlington group :- Sarah Cochrane My Mam worked as a domestic at the hall. While I was studying A level art she got permission for me to sit in one of the top rooms to draw the view. Whilst looking out at the amazing view from up there I got a birds eye view of patients having a sly cigarette or taking short cuts when they should have been walking full circuits around the hall after a while some grown men started sqealing and pointing to something. I didn't know what all the fuss was about until these said men burst through the door and into the room that I was in. They thought that I was a ghost and I was asked to leave early for causing distress to the patients still makes me laugh now.
  19. Feels like most times these days - must get out for some fresh air and twiddle. Switching subjects, again, but sticking to cerebrally challenged, my mind keeps telling me that I read somewhere (and I can't find that writing 😲) that our Dr trotter had a brother (also a doc?) that lived near Scotland Gate. But I could just be challenging myself and desperate to help Heather W. Gone for a lie down and a cuppa.
  20. A forgot all aboot the 'hoojackapivvy' - divin't tell me kids, they'l think am gannin senial😲
  21. @Malcolm - I posted on the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group asking if anyone had heard the story :- Added a compilation of photos of Hartford Hall :- Some of the replies :- Michael McColgan During my childhood it was often spoke about around camp fires etc. She was allegedly spotted floating above the river and would then disappear up into the grounds of the hall. Also sightings of her in the corridors of the old hall. Chris Davies Apparently she is waiting for her partner to return but he was lost at sea. That’s the story I heard when I was younger. Dom Burns We used to camp in the barns. Mind we probably scared the grey lady off Tracey Temple I grew up there, was always told it was the daughter of the house who threw herself out of the window underneath the dome as was not allowed to be with one of the workers. Stable boy was usually mentioned but it varied. We never saw her, but there were some who were so frightened they discharged themselves from the care rather than stay in overnight! Angela Arkle Bell Yes I remember rumours about the top window and the grey lady falling from it. I got married there in 1992 and stood at that window and suddenly thought I bet all the motorists think it’s the ghost if they looked up. Great memories x Sidney Armitage Couldn't wait to get out of there my bedroom had fire escape nearby and when the lads came back late tap tap I was only 17 so was a bit jealous. Wendy Reed Tracey Temple! You told me you'd seen The Grey Lady sitting on the back of your Paul's motorbike when he was going up the drive one night You little fibber Tracey Temple maybe the trauma of it all has eroded my memory!! Michael McColgan During my childhood it was often spoke about around camp fires etc. She was allegedly spotted floating above the river and would then disappear up into the grounds of the hall. Also sightings of her in the corridors of the old hall. Chris Davies Apparently she is waiting for her partner to return but he was lost at sea. That’s the story I heard when I was younger. Kevin Leonard My Dad (Joe) had a couple of stays for physiotherapy there and I remember him mentioning the Grey Lady but don’t recall the full story. Lisa Jenkinson My dad slept in the haunted bedroom he says she never woke him up
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