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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Photo from Michael Beresford - Blyth remembered & Memories Facebook group. Names from the Cambois Facebook group members. Definitely a Cambois team but nobody sure what team it was.
  2. Photo posted on the Facebook group - Past Times History - by John Dawson. The names are from a newspaper cutting that John Krzyzanowski posted on the Bygone Bedlington group.
  3. Photo and names from Margaret Sleeman - Cambois Facebook group.
  4. Photo and names from Margaret Sleeman - Cambois Facebook group.
  5. Photo from Heather Proudlock. Names from the Cambois Facebook group members - Heather Proudlock - Derek Blake - Joe Jones Snr. - Kathry Buckham and Pat Robinson. Facebook group Bygone Bedlington member 'Itis Shep' spotted the word COACH in the top right, as you look at the photo, and reckons the photo was taken would have been taken at the Bedlington Mechanics ground
  6. @Lorna - Joe hasn't visited this since he posted the above comment.😟 If you don't hear from anyone then I still have the email, containing all the info + photos embedded into a Microsoft Word document, that John Dawson posted on this site, that I sent to Joe and I could forward that email on to you. If you want me to do that then it's better if you send me a personal message, with your email address in it, rather than add your email address into one of these comments that the 'whole world' can see. If you select the white envelope, top right of screen, you will be invited to 'Compose New' message.
  7. 1. What does the symbol HB stand for on a pencil? Answer = 2. What is the motto of the BBC? Answer = 3. England’s best ever win at football was 13-0. Who were they playing? Answer = 4. In which year were cars first required to be registered? Answer = 5. In WW2, what was the codename given by Hitler to the German invasion of Russia? Answer = I can’t get Barbarella and the ‘excessive-pleasure machine’ out of my mind 6. How many years are celebrated with a platinum anniversary? Answer = 7. What is the layer of rock immediately under the crust of the Earth called? Answer = Mantle 8. Which animal lives in a ‘citadel’? Answer = 9. What is the name of the Queen’s residence in Norfolk? Answer = 10. Brassica Oleracea is better known as what? Answer = 11. Who discovered the basic laws of genetics while analysing peas in a monastery garden? Answer = 12. What does a Buck Rarebit have that a Welsh Rarebit does not? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Japanese women wear padded underwear to make their bottoms appear more rounded. Answer = I did ... and you never know just when you might need that morsel of knowledge! Answer = I did
  8. 1950 Speech Day at the Wallaw cinema - photo from the Mansel Dinnis collection.
  9. @Ali Kelly there are 4 'Gateway Features' - one each at the side of a road entering Bedlington from North, South East ans West. The Bedlington Terrier is at the Soth Entrance as you come into Bedlington on the A1068 road. These images should help :- This is a direct link to the entry in page 2 of the' Gallery> Historic Bedlington' for the 'Bedlington Gateway Features'. If you select each photo you will get additional information about that feature :-
  10. Can't see me ever been persuaded - convinced - given proof etc etc that anything that is called paranormal has got anything to do with so called spooks - ghosts = of or relating to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena. Yes unusual thinks occur but that's normal ☺️ - especially when leaving any public house after a long session😱
  11. 1949 - Form 3B - photo, slightly out of focus, from the Mansel Dinnis collection.
  12. School choir - 1950 photo from the Mansel Dinnis collection.
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