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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. @Mark Black Doubt if you will get a reply from this 2009 topic. The members that have commented in the past haven't visited the site lately - latest was @BedlingtonLass in 2017
  2. Stay Safe photo from Simon Williams - May 2020
  3. @Jr6468 Can't remember if it was demolished in 2016 but this photo was posted on Facebook - 27th July 2016 by Vic Thompson.
  4. 1. What does a cricket umpire signal by raising one arm horizontally? Answer = No Ball 2. Which writer was imprisoned because of his relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas? Answer = Oscar Wilde 3. A strobilus is another name for what? Answer = Cone A strobilus (plural: strobili) is a structure present on many land plant species consisting of sporangia-bearing structures densely aggregated along a stem. Strobili are often called cones, but some botanists restrict the use of the term cone to the woody seedstrobili of conifers. 4. What was the occupation during the French revolution of a tricoteuse? Answer = Knitter 5. When referring to radio waves what do the initials AM stand for? Answer = Amplitude Modulation - that is only transmitted between 00:00 and 12:00 6. Which island separates the two principal parts of Niagara Falls? Answer = Goat Island There are eight goats total on the island, seven adults and one baby. 7. In which film did Bob Hoskins play Eddie Valiant? Answer = Who Framed Roger Rabbit 8. Who won the women’s Olympic 100 metres in 1992? Answer = Gail Devers – by a finger nail 9. Which terrier is the largest of the terrier breeds? Answer = Gateway Terrier 10. In mythology what happened if you drank the water of the River Lethe? Answer = Can’t remember what I did yesterday = that’s normal 11. For every seven white keys on a piano how many black keys are there? Answer = 5 = we should start a campaign to get more black keys + some other colours 12. The deficiency of which vitamin can cause rickets? Answer = D = stops me bones from collapsing I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Queen Christina of Sweden had a 10 cm long cannon which she used to fire cannonballs at flies! Answer = I didn’t. I wonder if she used a Cotton Wool Bud as a sponge instead of a long staff or rammer with a piece of fleece sheep or lambskin wound about its end for scouring the cannon when discharged.
  5. We did kick-a-bout on it but never knew what it was originally used for. because of the size we though bowling green. Here are three members from c1965, but not easily recognised from the photo😱 that was taken by Dave Hamilton.
  6. Noo o apgze kneeded aboot yur spellin, that' was just my sense of humour referencing Liza Minnellie's song
  7. Comment from Cambois Facebook member - Margaret MetcalfeThis is my class photo which I missed as I was ill totally gutted not on it. No.36 is Keith Smith not Watson and 34 Is John Jobson.
  8. Photo from Sandra Spratt - names from Sandra - Terry Haley - Sandra Blyth & Jacqueline Turnbull.
  9. No 15 updated from Ken to Tom Jones. It's not unusual for me to get a name wrong
  10. @Jammy - I can't remember any events - games etc (1960 to 1968) been held on the cut grassed area at the back when I was a member c1962 to 1968. Some of the Bedlington Facebook members remember there were dog shows; and jumble sales. I do remember cutting through, from between the scouts building and Waverley Drive, into the YMCA field and I am sure there was a slaughter house/yard between the back of the scouts building and the YMCA field. Can't remember who I went with but it would probably a relative of the slaughter man as we were shown around and got to hold the gun he used to kill the cattle.
  11. I think it was @Malcolm Robinson who took the photo without any clothing added and it was Simon Williams Bygone Bedlington Facebook group who took all the others.
  12. On certain events in the year one resident, don'y know who, has added an additional feature to the dog. When the added feature has been noticed someone has taken a photo and posted it on social media.
  13. At the Southern entrance to the town is world renowned dog the Bedlington Terrier.
  14. Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

    Bedlington Gateway Features

    In 2017 four gateway features were chosen for their association with Bedlington. All are inextricably linked either by their commercial, religious or social heritage to the town. They have all been placed at strategic points to give anyone coming into the town by car or bus the maximum view point and all carry the adage "Welcome to Bedlington".
  15. At the Northern entrance to the town is a scale replica of the first steam train in Holland, the Arend, which was built in Bedlington.
  16. At the Northern entrance to the town is a St Cuthbert's Cross denoting the significance Bedlington played in the St Cuthbert story.
  17. At the Western entrance to the town is the Bedlington coat of arms that was unearthed by the Bedlingtonshire Development Trust.
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