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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. No's 12 & 36 named in a 1930 school football team photo in Evan Martin's book Bedlingtonshire Remembered - The People's History series. .
  2. There are many photos that are in the other 'The Peoples History' books and many of the photos that aren't in the other books have been posted on the local groups. For the price, £5.72 + p&p, I thinks it's worth it. Goes up to page 128 - the Index at page 3 and it covers 8 areas of Bedlingtonshire. My full collection of books by the Martin family :-
  3. Joe Grant has given a list of christian names for No's 1, 2, 3 & 5 to 24.
  4. @Canny lass - book arrived - scanned the photo :-
  5. No 10 & 20 named by Joan Cummings.
  6. Done it again - Title should be - 'The Netherton Family Tree by Jack Black' not .................. Treer..................
  7. No 36 named by Rosemary Lawson & No 38 named by Sarah Ince.
  8. Joan Cummings , Bedlington Facebook group, found these 5 pages among some papers that her parents had kept from a family friend called Jack Black. There is no date for when Jack Black wrote this 'little rhyme' @Canny lass - posibilty your family gets a mention - see page 3.
  9. Bedlington Grammar School - 1949 - Miss Jobson's Class. Photo, and the names, from Evan Martin's The People's History series. Four pupils still to identify.
  10. Bedlington Station Junior School - 1950 - Class 2. Photo, and the teacher's name, from Evan Martin's The People's History series. No 35 named buy Bob Scott.
  11. @Sarah Gordon unfortunately no idea. Think I would be climbing into the property and shovelling the bag and contents into a sealed bag/container and placing it into a normal household bin for collection. @Malcolm Robinson - @Bill Crosby - any ideas?
  12. @Canny lass - On Ellenor's posting on the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group I added a comment saying no one could identify anyone in her photo and she replied :- Ellenor OwenAuthor Alan Edgar sad I was born 1939 Ken Brady Alan Brady these would be about ten fifteen years older than you, do any look familiar. Hide or report this Ellenor OwenAuthor Alan Edgar class photo 1937 so this was 6 yrs before I started school they were probably at the village or high school then Alan Brady Some faces look familiar but any names by me would only be guesses. So I said 'Thank you' to Ellenor and left it at that but today shoe posted :- Hide or report this Ellenor OwenAuthor Alan Edgar Names in Evan Martin lno1Jean Thompson Alice z Black Evelyn Scarr Elsie Lee Margaret Simmons Norreen Wright Jean Dickinson Rita Austin the only name I reconise is Rita Austin So we finally got the full story and I have added the names, but they might not be in the right order, to the photo and I checked on Amazon for the book as I hadn't heard of this book - I have six of the Martin family books on our area. I found it, and have bought a copy
  13. @Jr6468 - spent many nights, late 1960's, in the Railway Tavern (Craigsies) before going on to the Domino. In the Railway Tavern disq the Double Maxim looked like engine oil - you could get a pint of milk - the landlady (can't remember her name ) loved it when a fight broke out and I think the policeman that would sort it out was 'Big Jock' . Some photos from @Reedy of two xmas parties at the Glove Factory and one of the management and I think the lady in the photo with the four gents is Dot (Dolly ) Temple. One photo from Colin Crackett showing some ladies working at their machines. This photo from a Claire Gates but no info :-
  14. 1. How many days does a broody hen sit on her eggs? Answer = 21 days How to stop a hen brooding - Use frozen vegetables. I’ve heard several people have placed a bag of frozen vegetables underneath their hen. They do this because when a hen is broody their body temperature rises so reducing it (with the frozen vegetables) will sometimes send a message to their brain that they aren’t broody anymore. 2. What would a cooper make for you? Answer = Wooden barrel 3. Which British monarch’s dying words were “All my possessions for a moment of time”? Answer = Queen Elizabeth I Spock - Leonard Nimoy’s last words to the world (two days before he died) ‘A life is like a garden, perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP (= Live long and prosper) 4. Who won the Monaco Grand Prix in 1996? Answer = Olivier Panis = his one and only Grand prix win = Ligier team. The race was run in wet weather, causing significant attrition and setting a record for the fewest cars (three) to be running at the end of a Grand Prix race. 5. Which city is served by Hopkins Airport? Answer = Cleveland, Mississippi 6. What is the currency in Iraq? Answer = Dinar 7. In which city is the Embassy World Snooker Championship held? Answer = Sheffield 8. Who played the title role in the1966 film Alfie?? Answer = Michael Cain. But not a lot of people know that Michael Cain did not say -- not a lot of people know that 9. What is a gibus? Answer = Collapsible Top Hat The gibus was invented in 1812 and named after its inventor, Antoine Gibus, who was a 19th century Frenchman. 10. Which singing voice is between tenor and soprano? Answer = Alto The four main vocal ranges are: Soprano – A high female (or boy's) voice. Alto – A low female (or boy's) voice. Tenor – A high (adult) male voice. Bass – A low (adult) male voice. 11. What is Fred Flintstone’s daughter called? Answer = Pebbles 12. Which organization has twice won the Nobel Peace Prize? Answer = UNHCR The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 27 times to organizations between 1901 and 2019. 24 individual organizations have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, as UNHCR, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, has received the Nobel Peace Prize twice, in 1954 and 1981, and the work of Comité international de la Croix Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross) (ICRC) has been honoured three times, in 1917, 1944 and 1963. I’ll bet you didn’t know …. In November 1960 an American rocket, launched from Cape Canaveral, went off course and crashed in Cuba killing a cow. November 30, 1960. A solitary cow is grazing in a meadow in the south of Cuba. On the other side of the Caribbean Sea, at the United States launch center, Cape Canaveral, a Thor DM-21 rocket is launched into space carrying a satellite. But something goes wrong. On the way to the stratosphere, Thor explodes and a part of its fuselage hits the Cuban cow head on. Rufina, for that was the cow's name.
  15. @Karen eaglestone - I remember this posting that @katie had made back in 2013 so I checked back to see when Katie last visited the site. Katie hasn't revisited the site since 18th April 2013 = 2 days after she joined. If you hover over the members 'name tag' the system shows some info - small drop down section but staying on the current page you are viewing - and if you select/click on the member's name the system displays a bit more info by redirecting you to the member's info page.
  16. @Steve McGill - I remember, 1960's, there was a couple of small shops in Gordon terrace but can't remember any history of them. My only memory is of small General Dealers, that were on the end of the terrace where there was a road through to the back lane. Looking at Google Street view, 2008, one of them is shown as The Barber Shop but don't know if it still is. I seem to remember a couple of postings on one of the local Facebook groups but at the moment can't find them. There is a lad Brian Jenkinson on the local Facebook groups and I though he used to have a group on Stakeford but can't find that group either so I am not being very helpful here 🙃. Brian is still on Facebook, and I see you are, so it could be worth contacting him via Facebook Messenger and see if he has any info.
  17. 11 names from Evelyn Swan - Bedlington Facebook group.
  18. Unfortunately no names. Although Ellenor has mentioned a couple of possibilities no one has positively identified any of them.
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