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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. As good as that sounds, once i've been cheated on i'll never go back. sorry if it ruined anyones day tho.
  2. i can post a view on this because i was directly affected. My son came home in tears one day because him and his mates got took to the head teacher, for singing 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' in the school yard about 5 years ago. apparently its got to be 'white sheep' i went in to ask why this was, to be told by the head it was because we cant single out minority's in any situations. Blue cow has alot to answer for if thats the case!
  3. You really are trying to get me to bite eh? And i said YOU should imagine ME dead. i never mentioned me thinking of you as dead! More fun? is that what they call it these days??
  4. yup, that was me! the groove in the grass, the rose bed all fouled up, and if you look in the distance, where the telegraph pole is, you'll see the support wire where the car came to rest, still strapped to the post, as they STILL have not repaired it over a YEAR afterwards, even tho my insurance paid out to get the work done!
  5. If they make it easy to use from the outset, it'll do well. Linux based OS's downfall was it started out complex, and got a name for it's self as being 'for geeks'. Now its developed into a much friendlier OS, but people (including me) are still put off by the old image. i personally think choice and competition is exactly whats needed in these times, the only problem being compatability between them. no-one wants the problems created where you have a document in a format that cant be read by any pc. (like microsoft created with its office suite)
  6. Dunno. fast tho. policeman who dragged me out thought i was dead
  7. Its hard to eat take-away with a wired jaw you know! "What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?" "Nothing...you've already told her twice!!" :D
  8. Thankyou Threegee. HOW TO NOT GET YOUR POSTS MOVED IN 4 SIMPLE STEPS: 1, post in the correct forum 2, post in the correct topic 3, post something RELEVANT to the topic (unless in chat central) 4, Try not to digress too far from the topic (unless in chat central) The chat in computer answers was just going too far. If someone asks a question, and you get way off topic, its not gonna help anyone. i do try to keep the relevant stuff there tho, if i do have to move a post, by way of a quote and a link to the origional thread. Happy Posting!!! :D (ps, i agree about the computer discussions bit, let non members browse, but not post, unless theres a way of auto-approving members posts.)
  9. Bored me too. we got the rest of the frustration out via PM. I think we'll be ok for another 6 months again now.
  10. I can hang my head in shame here.... I, being the tosspot i am, did something similer going the other way. i was speeding, lost control around the fist bend, then hit the lamppost on the terrier side next to the green (to the left of the pub as you look at it). i lost my licence for it tho, so just deserts for being a !*!@# . Oh, and my car diddnt survive either:
  11. is the cafe up next to the post office gone now?
  12. Mr Darn

    Linux discussion

    come on guys! this is going way off topic AGAIN! lets concentrate on sleepys problem in the main thread, and discuss things in the discussions forum eh? if we keep digressing like this, people will just not ask questions!
  13. Mr Darn

    Linux discussion

    i have personally used the knoppix live CD, and was greatly impressed. not impressed enough to install linux as an OS just yet, but impressed none the less. the fact they can get an OS to run from a 700mb disk, and have it browse as fast as a windows machine, FROM DISK, is a good thing from my point of view. once i familierise myself with it further, and i'm convinced it'll do as good a job as windows without too much to learn, i'll be making the change.
  14. no i wouldnt. if anyone wants to know any more, just do a forum search on google. its all there!
  15. a bit of an exageration, we spoke on MSN then, we dont now.
  16. We basically never spoke, except on msn, or to ask each other to go to the bedroom. EEEE, i'd never do that! you do it too well on your own!
  17. Might be? MIGHT BE? Why i aughta.... :D we've spoken since, it aint all bad! i just never realised how much i couldn't stand her when there was no sex involved! :D (too far?? )
  18. My thoughts too, also it was exactly halfway home for me from work, so a nice place to stop for a rest and a pint!
  19. Mr Darn


    EDIT: post edited, responce to other quote moved HERE can you try doing it from safe mode please? Windows XP If Windows XP is the only operating system installed on your computer, booting into Safe Mode with these instructions. If the computer is running, shut down Windows, and then turn off the power Wait 30 seconds, and then turn the computer on. Start tapping the F8 key. The Windows Advanced Options Menu appears. If you begin tapping the F8 key too soon, some computers display a "keyboard error" message. To resolve this, restart the computer and try again. Ensure that the Safe mode option is selected. Press Enter. The computer then begins to start in Safe mode. you will know because the words 'safe mode' will be in all four corners. When you are finished with all troubleshooting, close all programs and restart the computer as you normally would. when you open in safe mode, retry the steps i said previously, to start a disk check, located in THIS POST If the system wont even let you do a simple disk check, i'm afraid it looks like you may have to do a reinstall, as monsta suggested. Lets see if we can get it started in safe mode first tho. let me know how you get on, or if there are any problems.
  20. when your popping thru the forums on your 30 minute lunch break, and you have a few minor comments to make (i'm sure denzel is with me on this too, as he has a habbit of posting alot in one go) its a hassle having to wait in my eyes. just wanted to throw it out there, see what others thought. Might liven things up a tad, if we can use the forums quickly, like a quick chat session, as i know some of us do!
  21. No. i went in there the first time because i heard about it on here. else i wouldnt have bothered with the place. i also met Mongo and a few others in there as a direct result of things being mentioned on this site. (lol, just thought, no, we were not having a Gay meeting, no matter what the landlord might tell you! )
  22. We'll discuss it here thankyou very much! :D Lol, Even jeremy wouldn't believe this crap!
  23. AND what her customers where up to whilst in there :D
  24. Mr Darn


    unable? what error message are you getting? if its what i'm thinking, i have a way around it. could you post the error exactly as it appears when you try to do the error check? does the computer actually shut down? or just the application? Edit: i probably should mention, you have to do this from an account with administrator privileges. a limited user account would account for alot of your problems, now i come to think about it. are you sure the account you are using is an administrative account?
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