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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. The debate is on! we've had ruptions on today with this one at work, and alas, we still cant decide. so, i leave it up to you. Face or Real? you decide, VOTE NOW!
  2. Nice quote... any links to back that up, or is that your own personal experience/views? if so, i'd like to hear more, as its what i use religiously...
  3. hear hear! it would be nice to see the local teams supporting their local website, by using the announcments and sports section of the forum, Plus, the announcments section is fed by RSS.......Blah blah.. you get the point!
  4. Yup! time to jump on the bandwaggon!! that is unless they get thru the next round and draw newcastle...then the waggon gets circled, tipped over and burned (",)
  5. whereas i'm an amnesic-bulimic... i eat loads, and intend to throw it all back up, but i forget!!!
  6. and yet i also hear Google is dealing a big blow to Mozilla (or trying too)... read all about it
  7. Poll Now Active! Get Voting! (multiple choice is allowed!)
  8. Welcome in Hels1978! why not say hello in our introductions section, so we can all formally say hi? check it out by clicking here!
  9. ooo, it seems i did not peak too soon, but rather forgot to peek this week! GO ME! 1Mr Darn........ 29 2SuperMac...... 22 3Denzel........... 22 4DavePa......... 16 5pdean........... 16 6TonyC ........... 14 7geddy2112..... 12 8hamburger pimp. 7
  10. Thanks Tony, but it seems i've peaked too early... i may have been top during the battle, but i think the war is proving to be a little more technical! Go On Supermac!
  11. well, after 51 votes, the top 5 seem to be: 5th is The Market Tavern 4th is Another Pub that i Missed 3rd place is the Market Place Club tied 1st place are the North and The Dun Cow. It would be interesting to hear which pubs are in the 8 that i missed, i know fuggles has been mentioned, as has the bars down the station. Those can be added to the 2009 leaderboard, if i'm informed of their existance! Only 16 more days to vote on this one folk's!
  12. that rumor was flying around before tesco got round to taking over. was also rumored to be put on the corner of the carpark next to coffin chapel, incorporating a roundabout there... Be good to hear if theres any truth out there tho...
  13. Alex Kid in Miracle World... with the origional Sonic the Hedgehog in a close second, for the Sega MEGAdrive...
  14. Three cheers for the moderators!!
  15. And whats all this got to do with the best pints?
  16. There really isnt lyk! i gave you the cash for those, not my fault the price doubled b4 you replaced them.
  17. i dont mind the christmassy spirits... that reminds me, i owe you a bottle of mint baileys...
  18. no, i guess. my previous accommodation was a little worse.
  19. it was about that too, being back there was hell! but i wasnt about to move out of there into somewhere else shared. I'd rather stay with mum and dad! Privacy is the main reason. you just dont get that when sharing a property
  20. Eh? the whole point of having my own place is so i DONT have to worry about who's gonna come walking in!
  21. Jingle Bombs for me... Jeff Dunham: Achmed
  22. three bedrooms is a bit much for little old me! i'm kinda sorted for now, but still looking for somewhere a little bigger. a bath would be nice too too cold for showers when you aint got an electric one!
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