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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. nope, not as yet, its either too much money or a shed. methinks i need to consider a live-in partner...
  2. Cheers for that! alternativly you could post back to this thread, thus widening your scope for answers, and helping any other soul who may have the same problem. i can also reccomend some excelent software for cleaning out said cookies, should you wish to get into the bowels of your pc
  3. i did, the guinness in there is nice, and my dad swears by the best scotch.
  4. i completly agree!!! theres nothing worse than fancying a pint, just to find the place is shut when you get there. these are hard times, and people need reasons to visit these places now. a simple open door aint enough anymore.
  5. Because i aint got a crystal ball... the dunny was open this time last year, andlook what happened to that!!! So i did!!! Could themarvelous forum moderator please add this option to the list? and i think it deserves a +1 from hamburger pimp!
  6. Results of 2008! Taken at 15.40 on 7-1-09 New Year, New List, coz we all change our minds! Lets see if this year makes any difference to the standings! Again, its multiple choice, so choose all your faves!!
  7. i was too old to take it unfortunatly, but i did get a nice pen off them!! :D I thought you might know something cympil... i've heard 4 stories at work so far: 1, Manager is up on sexual offence charges relating to male staff, and has been shut to preserve evedence 2, Manager was caught with his hand in the till 3, The organisation that owns the pub owes the brewery thousands, which they say the manager should be liable for, even tho they told him to put on offers that wouldnt make money. The brewery have since been in to reclaim stock and other items with the aid of bailiffs! 4, the manager spent the takings installing a security system that could listen in on the conversations being had all over the pub, to stop theft from staff and collusion with customers, and subsiquently banckrupted the place :D Thats ASDA for you!!! Wonder if any of this is close to the truth??
  8. i know its shut... but come on... whats the gossip!
  9. All the best hun! Mind, we do have some older members on the forum dont we!!!
  10. Whilst the younger ones played armies and spied on you! lol.... ahhh, the good old days, made me into the pervert i am today!
  11. its a coffee sachet, it makes a mean cuppa, and ha the milk and sugar already in it (3 in 1) or just milk (2 in 1). like a latte, but without the work.
  12. Nope, they just confirmed, 2 dead. no other details as yet What a horrid start to the year for the family's involved. My thoughts are with them
  13. Happy Birthday Threegee (100), Panto Si (39), Kasyx (36) and Artisan(53)! hope the queen remembers your telegram Threegee
  14. Just saw breaking news on sky news there, possibly 2 killed in a house fire in ashington. anyone know any details?
  15. Happy New Year Everyone! Lets hope we leave the past behind us, and have a great 2009! (cant get worse than 2008! lol)
  16. Well, 2008 ended with firefox romping home. only 3 browsers voted on as of 16:28 31-12-2008 and stood as follows: Microsoft Internet Explorer: 2 Firefox: 5 opera: 1 What a disappointing turnout!
  17. not heard anything as yet....
  18. well, its BASED on firefox... much the same as differing windows versions are 'based' on each other. its still a differing browser tho... in the way that you can have both installed and running independantly...
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