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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Mr Darn

    The Dun Cow

    the tavern had the keys for a while, but good sources say the owners of the Windmill in Blyth have it now...
  2. I was having a chat today that stirred some old memories..... Can anyone else remember a small church like building at the entrance to West Lea cemetary? and if so, anyone got pictures? i seem to remember climbing on the roof of this building as a young'un to get a better shot with my 'conker stick'! anyone got any info?
  3. well, looking at the dates on the tomato's today, there'll be plenty to throw tommorrow!
  4. Finally! something a little concrete! one thing i do notice is, the sun is named, and the tavern building is there, but just named as a PH? (public house?) i wonder if the lack of detail on the name means something...... dont see a petrol station there as rumoured either...
  5. What a crock! i mean, come on...how long has vista been out now? vista will become the same as the old windows milenium, and all those i told to upgrade will be saying 'see? told ya!' lets hope they release the OS to the likes of NVidia so some decent drivers can be developed before the release this time! time to buy another new printer! (linux here i come!)
  6. i did before i realised.... yeah! Its got me bad! you see, when i make diluted orange, i put the orange in first, and in the stream of the water its almost unnoticable. it wasnt till i filled the bath the "wtf???" sprang up.
  7. Back to the topic, i see there's more works going on down Ridge Terrace... ...and i still have the trotts!
  8. i'm sorry to hear that jorga should you fancy another crack at it, let me know and i'll do a step by step guide of the way i do it, see if its something simple were overlooking.
  9. lol, the green thing and the red thing?
  10. she tried to give em away as cleaning cloths, but i hear there wasnt enough material! lol
  11. why? its not a case of accessing any pc anywhere, i have to be physically at the slave pc in the first instance to add the software to the administrator account, and encrypt it to only allow myself access, but once its installed, its a simple enough process to access it after that. of course, the utility can be turned off at the slave pc with a simple mouse click, if required, disabling my access until it is re-enabled. As for the home thing, i had to be corrected too, as i had a xp pro laptop to begin with, and couldnt understand why i couldnt get it to work on the new one! lol
  12. and its a great utility... if you have anything but the home version. unfortunatly you need a Win XP Pro computer to initiate the connection at minimum (i believe) and something higher than vista home basic. LogMeIn is web based, with only a small file upload needed, and does what i need, for free! if you know of a way i can access other pc's with no user interaction from the slave pc, even from the windows login page, without a 3rd party utility, on XP home, i'll be keen to hear it
  13. After a bad case of the trollops today, i noticed my afternoon bathwater is brown! anyone know whats going on? same anywhere else? Bleargh!
  14. Yeah, i have several computers i maintain on a regular basis. for this i use a utility called "LogMeIn" which allows me to take control of the other computer as tho i was sat infront of it. it always amazes the other party to see their computer apparently 'fixing itsself'! also a very good way of demonstrating how to do something to someone by 'show and tell' rather than by written directions. Very handy! Pleased you got sorted tho
  15. so there is a good chance the tavern is safe?? i still cant open that other page!
  16. Mr Darn


    I'll assume with so much excelent advice kicking about in this thread (i especially liked the 'uninstall mcnaffy- sorted!' comment!) i think we can safely assume this is solved. As a footnote, NEVER access the internet without an Antivirus installed. If need be, download one from another computer and install to the new machine via flashdrive or cd. Too many nasties out there these days to be going unprotected! (unless you dont use M$ of course )
  17. How did you get on with this problem? did you get it sorted in the end? Let us know how you got on, and what sorted it for you in the end
  18. has this problem been sorted yet? what worked for you? Its Good To Talk!
  19. I had a similer experience just a few days ago with AOL. it would allow me to go to any website, with the exception of Facebook, the CBS forum i frequent and my MSN hotmail account inbox. after a lengthy conversation with AOL, it seems it was due to an update in our area than did not install correctly, and the problem went away within the hour... Strange eh?? Anyways, did your problem resolve itself? and if so...what was the solution?
  20. Any further forward with this one?? if not, i'll do some more digging for you
  21. from sw@lnalla's link: although this mentions nothing about exactly whats to go...anyone know how big 17,000sq ft is in relation to whats there now? i personally think it would be a shame to lose the tavern, but, time marches on! anyone know for sure? EDIT: i just noticed the "more" section to the article, but my browser wont redirect me, it keeps timing out, so appologies if theres extra info there!!
  22. Well, after a while of it hiding in the vast expanse of cyberspace, it seems this little terror is back again, and becoming quite sneaky! for those that are unaware of it, this 'virus' embeds itself into several places, but mainly your MSN software. It does its business whilst the host is unaware, watching your friends 'status' and sending mesages whenever anyones status changes from anything back to 'online', such as when you are away, but come back. the more advanced version then waits about 10 seconds, then opens conversations with anyone who's status has changed. The initial contact is normally very convincing, and seems to be aimed at facebook or male users. examples are: "OH MY GOD! you should see the picture i've just been sent! hang on, i'll send you it!" "i've just dyed my hair, but i dont think i like it, what do you think?" "i'm putting this picture of us on my facebook account, is that ok?" "hey bigboy... remember that pic you wanted of me? well, today is your lucky day!" followed by a download request for a file normally named "photo.zip" or "file.zip", although i have seen one named "facebook pic.zip" the windows then close in a flash, which is often unnoticed by the host until they get replies from its victims. if you open the file, it self-extracts itself and begins the same routine on your pc, sending itsself to all your friends. notice the extention? ALWAYS be cautious of anyone sending you zip files, as msn allows you to send as .jpg and there isnt much reason why anyone would zip one. i always double check the file was ment to be sent before i accept, and i recommend you do the same, as once infected, its a begger to remove, missed by alot of the anti-virus programs, as well as spy and addware cleaners. The only one to detect it so far seems to be 'hyjack this' (when used with a detective) and malwarebytes (which does not clean it) so prevention is definatly better than cure! Anyone who thinks they have been infected, please PM me, and i'll talk you thru the cleaning process.
  23. i see.... come on people! we need some rumours here! get your gums rattling! any idea when this meet at the CC is taking place? (i cant be bothered to read the paper or look for myself lol!)
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