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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. In the news that loads of Brits are buggering off abroad .. where would u go and why would you leave... I'd stay I reckon but if i had to choose it would be Canada

    i like it here, coz the spiders are small, the snakes dont kill you (generally) and the creatures with bone on the outside only nip!

  2. I like the fact there is a large selection of pubs in bedlington, and to be honest, its a good thing their almost always empty.

    *It dont take long to get a pint

    *you can always get a seat

    *if someone upsets you in one, theirs plenty more to chose from

    *if you just want a quiet pint, your in luck

    *if you want a certain atmosphere, theirs a pub with it (with the exception of 'busy and exciting!)

    *if your looking for a certain agegroup, theirs a pub that specialises in it (10-18, 16-24, 20-60, 16-100 etc)

    and more...

    I'm sure you can add some pro's and cons.

  3. i cought somone smacking there kid today i ran over and gave the parents a stick to beat them with well if you gona hit them may aswell hit them properly :lol::lol:

    I wish i'd seen that, although, to be honest, that would probably be a better approach at embarressing them than shouting and screaming...

    ...unless of course they took the stick :blink:

  4. :P:P:P

    She is either wearing a thong or those supposildly feminine boxers!

    High band knickers would leave a line on the top of her butt cheeks and normal ones would leave a line across the bottom, or so I have been told! Course if she bent down with a thong on we would see the most ridiculous and stomach churning sight in female lingerie!

    Joking aside they could have been "posed" in a much more exciting stance, they just look mesmerised.

    "Mesmerised" might be just the look the artist was looking for...

    maybe the two of them spent 10 years planning their escape from newbiggin. What He's thinking is:

    "where's manuell with that bliddy boat?"

    And she's thinking:

    "There had better be some good shops where this idiot is taking me, or i'm gonna brain him!"

    Or i could be wrong! :P:P:P

  5. Is there still one next to the Market Place Club?

    GAWD, i remember that!

    on the same side of the road as the market club, to the left as you look at it?

    They are not there now, but i remember them being there... ...i think!!

    the ones monsta are refering too are behind the market tavern, in the main "presto's" car park. dont think they've been there that long...perhaps 10-15 years?

  6. Confused please explain?


    lol, apparently i mis quoted him, the correct phrase was

    They are sitting on a goldmine

    which apparently means the 3rd f is worth a fortune if they would only market it right...

    Apparently the going rate was a marrage certificate, but their giving it away for a few pints now.

    What this has to do with fingers i'll never understand :blink:

  7. You wouldn't need to pay entry fees if you said you were the reporter from the Town's website and were doing a write-up on the club! You'd be doing them (and the Town) a favour. A special seat and free refreshments are the norm, but I wouldn't push it until you have an established reporting record! :D

    Turn your printer on and here you go:


    ** PRESS PASS **



    Official Sports Reporter



    Hmmmn, gonna try that, do i have to have it sticking out of a band on a hat at a 45 degree angle?

  8. No other town has this amount of free parking so conveniently placed. The ones at the West end of the Front Street are quite pretty too.

    And.. before the disparaging remarks about well that no one uses them because there's nowt to do, nowhere to shop - that's would be a gross exaggeration.

    Good point,

    Lets face it, if you wanted to use any of bedlingtons public lavatories, you wouldnt have any trouble parking......

    HUGE car parks next to each one....coincidence??? :huh:

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