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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. :lol::lol::lol:;) Like it!

    i saw one once that had a guy appear in a 'internet explorer' window. He waved at you, then pulled on a rope, which moved the window down 6-7 inches to the bottom of the desktop. in a second, he reaches up and pulls again.

    you have to be quick to catch him, or he just keeps going and going!!!

  2. Thanks Charlie I thought I had got the right name. I remember the guy that delivered the milk he used to clean windows in the afternoons, he feel off the ladder one day and ended up in ashington hospital.


    That must have been some drop!!

  3. Well, i just have to say, although that was one of those posts i looked at and thought 'here we go again, 10 minutes read for nothing', i'm pleased i endured it!

    I've never smiled so much for ages! it tickled me, it did!

    I always wondered what you women did in the loo, i was hoping it was like a scene from "The sweetest thing" (cameron diaz) where they felt each others 'implants' etc.

    I like it! :lol::lol::lol:

  4. thick as in stoopid! i it was a typo av only got a little keyboard!

    So i take that to mean you were directly insulting another member of this forum?

    Please do not mistake this as being the same as my generalisation, as that is completely different than directly insulting an individual member. Was that your intention?

  5. so this may take some time as your think as a plank! :lol::lol::lol:

    Hmmmn, i am wondering if your intelligent enough to have made that typo on purpose, and actually meant to type 'think', or whether you meant 'thin as a plank' or 'thick as a plank'.

    Either way, i am in no way suggesting i have a head full of brains, or that i am better than any of you. all i said was most of you are just as deformed as i am! If thats something to take offense at, then tough! because i really could not care less! :lol::lol::lol:

  6. Previous generations had much higher levels of lead in their toys and have apparently escaped any sort of long term effects.

    Personally, i think it affected their reproductive ability's, creating children today with remarkably less brain cells than they need to effectively comprehend daily life on a productive scale, hence the need for constant disruption and the 'look at me everyone' status they all strive for these days.

  7. hypocrit what you doing know? going of topic!

    thats exactly my point! in my time, this would have been cut out of the topic and continued in chat, just so the opinions stayed on the forum, and the topic stayed clean!

    Trolling is so childish!

  8. i but we don't want your rules back it gets mind boggling and fustrating! closing topics cause there 10 days old! and chopping up topics! :lol::lol::lol:

    just as well they wont be back then aint it!

    fair enough about closing topics, but the topics got chopped cos people like you kept going this far off topic!

  9. Thats what i ment by it being wasted.

    Many people out there with views dont know about this place, and when they get here all they see is a bunch of posts with no real views attached (save for a few posts) filled with back biting and stupid remarks, even tho theres a place for that within this very website!

    its the same whereever you go tho, you have some that want to do good and others that just want to cause disruption!

    Of course, i'll always give my opinion on any issues that are brought up, but my opinion is each seperate item needs a seperate thread, or else were just all gonna get confused!

  10. Mr Darn dont you worry son the golf club will shortly be in safe hands,just as soon as my lotto numbers pop up :lol::lol: Seriously tho the members are doing everything they can to aquire the club.

    They were just examples.

    dont get me wrong, i have no knowledge of the way the cogs turn at all, this opinion is based on what i hear over peoples shoulders in the club!

    Maybe what we need is a centralised place that all bedlington residents have access too, like a website dedicated to bedlington, maybe with a forum on that website so everyone could voice their opinion on what they want. This website could be run by someone who has a keen interest in the welfare of bedlington, someone who is willing to set vital discussions in motion to see exactly what people think, and want. Obviously it would need some major advertising, but wouldnt such a place be great?

    oh! hold on! WE HAVE ONE!

    its just a shame we couldnt do something drastic like create a brand new forum with an account for each and every bedlington resident, and just send the passwords out via snailmail so duplicate accounts could not be created.... Or am i going too far? :blink:

    seriously tho, this is just the place for just such a debate, and its being wasted!

  11. My reference to Malcolm going for it was based upon the fact that he has demonstrated a knowledge of how councils work (on this forum).

    If you want to get anything done you have to start somewhere after all the Labour, Conservative and the Liberal party had to begin at some point in time even if it has taken a few years to get established.

    Why cant we have a common sense party and not a collection of MP's that are cleaver talkers but do nothing except listen to the minority.

    is it realy the minority tho?

    with reference to a swimming pool in bedlington, i think alot of people would rather travel to surrounding areas than pay extra to live.

    the front street? why would anyone pay more for a small buisnesses product when they can get it cheeper?

    i dont mean to sount like i've given up, but i have heared councilors who have said 'right, i'm gonna do this, will you back me?' and 90% of the people shouting for it sit down.

    the councilors do the things they get backing for, unfortunatly the only people that seem to be doing the backing are those that dont want what we want! hence why it always seems to go 'the minority's' way. That minority are the only ones that do anything.

    the rest sit back expecting it to just happen coz it should!

  12. Malcolm,

    why don't you stand for election, you have the right idea's and you obviously have your ear to the ground and are aware of what is happening. I am sure there are other people in Bedlington that are like minded and would support you.

    Go for it.

    This is the problem, many people go for it, only to find once they are in the position they thought they needed to be in to change things, they find either the position is not high enough or the funds just aint there.

    i've also heard of councilors talk about shifting funds, 'robbing peter' so to speak, to get things done.

    all it did was get the idea thrown out, then the services robbed were deemed to be able to function on this reduced rate, and so thats the way it stayed.

    I dunno how true it is, but i wouldnt like to be the one blamed for LESS money coming into bedlington, even if my intentions were good.

    anyways, should a vote be made, i would think the majority of bedlington residents would prefer to have nothing, that way they have a reason for complaining about high rates etc. Hence why we aint rallying on the street to 'keep our community center' or 'save the golf club'

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