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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. ....Go collect some real information, photos, etc. Do the best job you can and I will see that it gets tidied .....

    But if i did that their would be no need for me to come and look here for my info on the local club! ;)

    Just Kidding, I'll have a trawl about and see if there is anything 'controversial' to report ;)

  2. from the lips of mr serious himself! :lol: split from tott! :lol::lol: ******

    Good point, although outdated.

    I'm the first to admit i took my job as mod seriously, in fact i'm sure theres a thread about here somewhere with a confession from back in those days, but not now. Now i'm just a regular member i can kick back and enjoy the fruits of the forum.

  3. Yes it's full when the shows are there :lol: and on sunny thursdays when the markets on :lol:

    Noooooo, i mean the one beside the library...

    if you go down the cut next to tsb you have a car park, go over the slight hill and theres another oe i rarely see used... thats the one i was refering to.

  4. Come on, lets face it, we have no need to complain at the choice of food available!

    just within walking distance of the front street we have:

    4 places to choose from for pizza (Best Bite, Chinchillas, Moby Dicks, The Italian place next to the Northumberland arms)

    3 Chinese restaurants (2 on glebe road and Bens next to the Northumberland arms)

    1 Indian restaurant (Ashianna)

    1 Mederteranian restaurant (next to simply drinks, front street)

    2 fish and chip shops (Moby dicks and the one next to Best Bite)

    and at least 1 pub (Ridge Farm, not sure if the tavern does food anymore!) and thats just off the top of my head! Did i miss any?

    Moving on to the station and theirs more!

    Of course theirs always the question of quality, but to be honest, I've had good and bad in just about every place i've ever been, And Bedlington's food outlets are mostly good!

  5. I concur with this thread.

    Excellent woods and country park within walking distance! :)

    Some nice views on the humford 'circular walk', and not many places left you can spot red squirrels, let alone from your back window!

    My sister has red squirrels in her garden daily, she lives behind the court's next to the plantation. (beaufront park??)

    Photo's to follow (if i ever get round to it! summers gonna be over before i get out with this camera!!)

  6. If the market demands huge stores then it should be forced to pay the same cost per square meter as smaller traders have to pay, and/or buy those smaller traders out at a fair price.

    wouldnt that still kill off the traders?

    even if they did pay the same, the price they get their products for is at a huge discount compared to town traders simply because of the shear bulk they buy it in.

    It still bugs me that all i want is a bowl of cornflakes and i have no milk....

    Anyone want to sell a pint for £5??

  7. Somethings been bothering me for a while now, and i dont really know if i'm just being racist in a religious way, or wether i actually have a point! so i'm gonna ask it here, where it shouldnt go off topic.

    Another reason for it being here is it directly affects all areas of the UK including bedlington, so it should be valid for this section.


    What do you think about the restrictions placed on companys for the sale of goods.

    Ok, a bit more detail.

    I'm not sure exactly, but i believe it is the christian way that no person shall work on a sunday. Maybe other religions also adopt this day as a rest day, or another day altogether, but its beside my point, my point is this:

    Why should i, A person whom follows no religion* as such, be 'put out' by a law which states i cannot buy groceries after 10pm on a saturday, when this law is only in place because of a religious belief?

    Why should this 'religious rule' be forced down my neck, when all other rules of society can be bent for other religions.

    I have heard the argument 'people want a day off', and i agree, but why not just place a law that states 'No Person Shall Be Forced To Work More Than 6 Days In A Row' instead of 'no, you cant open your shop all day and night on the one day most people have off' or 'no you cant sell alcohol to anyone after 10pm on a saturday night'

    It really gets my goat that in this world of 24 hour opening and 24 hour working times, i cannot go out at 22.01 and buy a pint of milk, or a 4 pack of lager.

    My source is a discussion i had with an ASDA manager a few weeks back, when i asked why they closed at 22.00 on a saturday. He replied that store and many others like morrisons, tesco and Sainsburys would be open for its customers 24-7-365 if they were allowed.

    i asked if it was because they were not allowed to employ people overnight on saturdays, and this is the best part:


    Its just CRAZY that this is forced upon non religious people.

    Whats your views? should they be able to trade when they want?

    * Yes, i have heard something about their being a religous name for anyone who has no religion, and that in it's self means its a religion!

  8. Sure you wouldn't like to moderate it to keep it "visitor friendly"? ;)

    Erm, dont think that would be a good idea, my views clearly contradict the views of the vast majority of visitors to this site! plus, even i agree I'm a bit harsh!

    doomed before it gets ganning! :lol: ?

    see? A moderator needs a little support from the members!

    Mr Darn is busy with his own site.

    No, actually, the site has been put on hold for the foreseeable future until a personal situation pans out... It may even get scrapped altogether!

    Why not give my namesake a chance? MONG'0' the second? (AKA the new Mr Darn!)

    I am as supprised as you are, threegee, that many have not stepped forward to take control of an area of the board, since so many were eager to correct the other moderators actions...

    come on guys and gals, step up to the mark and prove you have the sites best interests at heart, Goodness knows you cant do worse than i did! :P:lol::P:huh::unsure::blink:

  9. Well, if it makes you feel better / bigger / in control / important etc, then just for you, I'll say yes!


    My point is, you can give it, but you cant take it.

    My point is i never called anyone directly, you two made it personal.

    It seems I'm not entitled to an opinion but everyone else is!

    I do, however, retract a previous statement, it seems i got my figures wrong.

    90% of the regulars is far too many people. It suggests only 1, 2 at the most are excluded from my analysis, which was wrong of me.

    What i meant to say was there are 1 or 2 who fall into this category, as well as myself!

    Well, they do say 74.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot and do not reflect any real results!


  10. It all makes perfect sense..but you forgot to mention the chip shops/chinese /pizza/kebab shops. :D

    Nothing Wrong with pizza!!!

    It does seem wierd that their is so much parking behind the front street tho, has anyone ever seen that second carpark behind the blue bell full? i know the nearest one is popular...

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