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Everything posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. You don't know........
  2. And he's still a better player than Shola
  3. Lose / Loose.......its a speeech thiiing
  4. Right On Frederick
  5. You'd be happy to loose your gut
  6. Why didn't you sign another former Liverpool striker.....Emile Heskey
  7. Thought that as Ms Hair, Ms Anthony........?
  8. Never been so happy
  9. I wouldn't call her Thelma or she'll slice your knackers off
  10. mmmmm, I tell wor lass
  11. Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire of the Station: "The story of Zeus transforming himself into a swan so that he might couple with Leda, they call myth, but the tale about a holy ghost impregnating a virgin, they believe..."
  12. station knacka - class folk Please take your rubbish home with you........ top end is a dump as well pal
  13. If the lass is fit, it's a must but mingers.....no thank you
  14. no just pies
  15. and ended with Newcastle has a terrible back four
  16. Indeed........
  17. Bit like my sp-e-e-e-e-ech
  18. and about 4 stone
  19. Quality phone it is........
  20. It's sad coz its true
  21. The Pete North of Bedlington
  22. but the silly hats may add cheer (and Jamie rat arsed)
  23. See Priesty's phone.......
  24. And Denzel been captured by big Kim
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