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Everything posted by Pencil_Neck

  1. http://www.blogger.com/profile/12653744
  2. Correction. In the bed, also the bath & bathroom floor. Mr Popular, step forward Erm, I barfed up but made the loo.
  3. Aye when you've been the other man so many times
  4. Divorced Father's Bedtime Prayer Now I lay me down alone Another day away from home. I've heard no words of love today No young one asked to go and play. No pleasant touch of a lady's hand That now reaches toward another man. I wonder if they think of me And wish for life that used to be. Or are they glad that I'm not there Or do they simply just not care? A fading picture on the wall Is just no substitute at all For a life that once was mine Back when things could be made fine. After years the sadness stays The tears still come, most every day. I do my work; I eat my food, I'm getting by, but life's no good. Without my family what am I? Just another useless guy. Some folks say I'll again take vows, But life is empty, here and now. There's no point to life alone, Thousand of miles from love and home. So Father, for Thy mercy's sake, Let me not be forced to wake.
  5. Confucious say, "!*!@# happens." Confucious says, "If !*!@# has to happen, let it happen properly" or more so in Swalnalla's case Atheism: I don't believe this !*!@#! !*!@# doesn't happen. !*!@# is dead. No !*!@#! It looks and smells like !*!@#, so I'm damned if I'm going to taste it. I haven't smelt, seen, touched, or tasted it. But it's !*!@#.
  6. Running OK, certainly not football Mr Kevin Costner has shown a talent for something other than golf
  7. Be warned my over-weight chum, a few tales to caution: We've said it before and we'll say it again: what on Earth is happening to the world's pensioners? Time was, your dear old grandpa would be sitting in a fireside chair, dispensing wisdom and Werther's Originals in equal measure while wrapped in a tartan travelling rug, faithful Labrador asleep at his beslippered feet. Not any more. Regular readers will recall the recent cases of the 75-year-old Russian who stumbled onto the set of a porn flick and quickly shot his way to screen rumpy-pumpy superstardom, and the "72-year old cross-dresser... charged with public indecency after being caught pleasuring himself in a library". And let's not forget the the 70-year-old Italian strumpet caught trying to have sex with a 59-year-old car driver while he negotiated a Milanese highway. Over in Lithuania, meanwhile, battling old timers prefer to burn off their excess energy by giving burglars' testicles a good seeing to - and we don't mean in the prosecution of a blue rinse smut flick, either. Ditto Romania, where a 75-year-old woman recently floored an intruder with some sharp karate moves she picked up on a TV self defence show. According to Ananova, Anica D from the village of Popeni in Vaslui county woke up to find her self being assaulted by the night-time ne'er-do-well. She shouted for help, but none was forthcoming. Accordingly, she "immobilised" the assailant and then called in the authorities, Romanian paper Ziarul reports. The 30 year old miscreant has been charged with burglary and attempted rape, although it's clear he can count himself lucky to escape with his vitals intact.
  8. Brings a tear to your eye...
  9. He likes the feel of hair
  10. I can think of someone else has got loads more
  11. Aye, a good show gets you away from bloke interests (at least for 5mins) Or 5hrs in my case
  12. May require some of the Denzel profile?
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