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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. probably the fact that you watched it! :lol: did jeremy beadle jump out at the end!
  2. whats the prices like? i'll bet fiver each way on dazza and i'll tek a long shot at pantosi!
  3. what on earth are talking about? i was just comenting on the fact that people are changing there id a bit to much! who mentioned this "better life"? gan back to bed! Monsta!
  4. black man in the dark by alf got no shoes! :lol:
  5. is that it? terrible no wonder its a complete dump!
  6. no only was it racist he had the cheek of being completely !*!@# !
  7. thats nowt a think all call mesel the kebab king and wear a sweaty turbin! like them at your local fast food emporium!
  8. so he thinks he's a horse then? :lol: should of just called himself mr ed!
  9. i think the locals have al getting that foot and mooth cause colonel knowledge thinks he a black hoody from the bronx or somit and swalnalla thinks he's everyone bit skitzy if you ask me! what a pair or complete tw*ts if you ask me like! :lol: :lol: get a life!
  10. you call that funny? what a joke! :lol:
  11. who the !*!@# was kiang and why does swalnalla keep changing his !*!@# name? is he another one going though some sort of crisis? or is he a complete !*!@# ? :lol: :lol:
  12. another one bites the dust! by queen!
  13. nor i tried again and the wait was just to off putting! pitty it uses flash!
  14. !*!@# that its a huge flash file! 8mb not worth the wait!
  15. you haven't got tame? whats tame and what does BS stand for? bingo stamper, bacon sandwitch, beans and sausage?
  16. ok i'll rephrase that its one of santy's helpers! as santy him self is to busy delivery presents! :lol:
  17. :lol: what happened to talking like a brother from the hood! :lol: watch it or mr darn will complain that your a fake! :lol: :lol:
  18. hold on it was free and your moaning! some people are never happy! if you had to pay it probably would have been the real thing! next you'll be maoning that the santy in the metro centre is a fake!
  19. i am happy! happy that your not! :lol: :lol:
  20. here's a good one! dont raise your hands to your kids! cos it leaves your balls unprotected!
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