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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. if he is still alive a think his hand would be a bit to shaky to give you a haircut! probably give you a van gough!
  2. ? wouldn't it be easier to use a squirrel!
  3. aint that the truth! its like a ghost town
  4. heres a thought uses all live in bedlington! so you must be talking about ya sels aswell then! :lol: :lol:
  5. theres a hairdressers theres but its probably changed hands a hundred times since you were last there!
  6. Monsta®

    Tv Quiz

    bonnie the dog! or the !*!@# tortoise! :lol: :lol:
  7. daddy cool blacky music! what!
  8. Monsta®

    Tv Quiz

    1989! or 1988 or 1987 or 86 or 85 or 84 or 83 :lol:
  9. is it a pizz bottle!
  10. Monsta®

    Tv Quiz

    8 somewhere between 1990 and 2007! 9. dan someone!
  11. what aboot "painta man or somit!" a vaigly remember me mother having the album!
  12. blackies! was it "pay me rent"!
  13. missed the uk part!!! :lol:
  14. 3 was "take on me"! just looked it up on wikipedia! originally called "lesson one"! but never got no where in 1984! 8 who!
  15. one eyed welding mask!
  16. i but there so far fetched! how wey man god created everything in 7 days? it's nearly as good as lord of the rings!
  17. coming from the free forum master himself! it's like harry potter al them wizards!!!!
  18. is that the worst? bah mind ya picky! would of teking you al of 5 minutes to clean that up. a mean who actually cares what the rooms are like as lang as theres basic stuff like a bed!
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