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Everything posted by Monsta®

  1. sick fecker read this! it was like that hahaha belgian ice scream! :lol:
  2. a thought he was still playing for them! :lol: sam got a plan alright get payed then !*!@# off!
  3. why should i have to stop in cause your inconsiderate! smoke oot side by all means kill ya sell! let the rest of us live!
  4. time to get over it! get some !*!@# patches!
  5. people not getting cancer from secondary smoke up 100% ah you can smell the beer in the air not dirty !*!@# smoke!
  6. nor a think that was super man or hawk eye! not he-man he was more muscle man with a green tiger! who fought an evil skeleton!
  7. was it north, south, east, or west? i think is was south personally :lol:
  8. anyone want a bet on the upcoming season for newcastle? i bet they'll get stuffed out of every cup and finish just above religation again!!! and sam will get sacked theres a !*!@# corse on the team man! thats why they never win nought and the managers keep getting sacked!
  9. fine fashion? na teddy boys n cliff richard just dont cut it today!
  10. back in the fiftys people died of plague and still though the world was flat!!!! :lol:
  11. lets just wait for the book then the auto biography!!!!!!
  12. yes there is bedlington is dead! unless they do o.a.p pea suppers they'll be out a business in a week! :lol:
  13. too true if you want a good pint buy it in cans!
  14. i bet he's away for a big !*!@# dinner and a pint!
  15. i a bet he s***ed his pants!
  16. you not got any chairs like?
  17. did he pay you to say that? :lol:
  18. heres a miserable poem just for dave! I see you did not try to save The bouquet of white flowers I gave; So fast they wither on your grave.
  19. sorry what i fell a sleep!
  20. whats up with you get out the wrong side of bed?
  21. a was ganna say pete you got bionic ears hear the thunder up here down there! :lol:
  22. a s**** program for way back in the early ninteys or somic!
  23. my god you are insane! i will phone the mod help line just for you! :lol:
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