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Posts posted by Blank

  1. "Plans to enhance Bedlington's Market Place:

    An award-winning team has been drafted in to draw up plans to enhance Bedlington's 18th Century Market Place. Wansbeck Council has appointed Landscape Architects Ian White Associates (IWA) to develop outline proposals for a 21st Century make-over. IWA has a successful track record of enhancing market areas including Morpeth and Marygate at Berwick upon Tweed and has won national awards for its public realm and streetscape projects.

    Members of the public will be able to see for themselves the progress so far at a special event where Bob Ferguson of IWA will host a presentation giving anyone interested a chance to find out more about the plans. The presentation, which is being held as part of National Architecture Week, will take place on Wednesday June 20th, at the Bedlington Community Centre, Front Street starting at 7.30pm.

    Regeneration Portfolio Holder Councillor Alan Stewart, says: "The Council aspires to providing a high quality scheme and it is hoped that Bedlington will be added to the list of IWA award winning projects. We are very pleased to be working alongside IWA and I hope the public come along to the presentation to see for themselves the exciting changes that could be in store for what is a focal point in the town. Bedlington's tree-lined Front Street is one of the quaintest and most picturesque places in the area and enhancements to the Market Place can only help to regenerate the town even further."

    I thought the lick of paint on the street bins and benches was Bedlingtons whack at regeneration.

  2. I can't believe that anyone who has visited this website for several years could utter such crap!

    I am not the website. I do hold my own views and am entitled to express them, just like everybody else.

    Now freedom of thought / freedom of speech is a difficult concept for the brain-dead hard left to get their heads around, I know. But, when your ideas are so weak, and so obviously wrong, then I suppose you have to use whatever means of attack are at your disposal. Reasoned argument won't hack it!

    But, for a definitive answer on political bias you'd have to ask Monsta why his Vote BNP signature was removed. A perfectly legitimate political party I'd have thought. Would a Vote Communist Party of Great Britain slogan have been removed under complaint? I think probably not. Were you the complainant? :lol:

    What the hell?

    A signature was removed because it said Vote BNP?

    If anyone is offended by the letters BNP they are pathetic and need to get out of their bedroom more often. Haha, I'm sorry I'm just totally bewildered by it... so can we have an explanation please?

    Actually don't bother - 'someone complained'. What about the other 99% of us who didn't complain?

    Get a grip!

  3. What do you think? do you think its the worry of cleaning these machines? maybe the cost of repair if one fails? or do you think someone pushed a few grand in a 'bigwig's' pocket to push thru there plans for wind turbines?

    A big drawback is that they can only generate when the tide is flowing in or out - in other words, only for 10 hours per day.

    Where did you hear these rumors?

    I've never heard anything about it... apparently theres only a handful of places in the world suitable for sea turbines... I reckon it would be well publicised if one of those places was Blyth.

  4. Somehow, I don't think setting up a poll to eradicate members will work.

    Besides, how would you do it? You would have to list every member of the forum for it to be fair.

    Moderators are not a bad thing... I think Cympil was right about moderator rules / guidelines though.

    Standard member rules can't always apply because moderators have extended rights. Standard members cant edit, delete or even add jokes to peoples posts.

    Moderators should be asked to read moderator rules or guidelines before applying.

    About deleting posts... If posts can be edited, then I don't think theres a need to delete them. Generally, if a discussion requires noticeable moderation, then chances are that it's pretty heated. People comment because they want to have their say and if you take that away from them....well....it won't be pleasant!

    Giving reasons for editing or deleting posts would also be nice... it may make the author annoyed or angry, but it would probably avoid major drama and flames.

    Every forum needs moderators, but what does everyone else think?

  5. Should there be a reason to edit out your arguement Blank?

    Yes. I said the words 'Black bag' and '!*!@# '.

    Also, I think it's fair enough editing posts where it needs to be done, but I disagree with re-writing them completely.

    Getting back to food, the takeaway up from Ziggys does a nice Chicken Chow Mein.

  6. Quote...

    In our account of Blyth we noticed the Dutch ship of war following into the harbour and capturing a Dunkirk privateer and a portion of the crews of both ships proceeding as far as Bedlington, where 10 of each party were apprehended.

    Now Mr Carnaby's letter to the bishop (of Durham) asking advice what to do with his prisoners.

    "" Bedlington 16th August 1635.

    Whereas there has been a Dutch man-of-war with 90 musketees on board, which has driven a Dunkirk privateer with 30 men on board him, into the harbour of Blyth, they did pursue him so hard that the crew were forced their ship and betake themselves to flight.

    Ten of the privateers sought shelter in BEDLINGTON whereupon notice was given to me and I have taken measures to detain both them and ten of the Dutchmen who pursued them, and have them confined in this town until your lordship's pleasure is known.

    (The privateer had sunk over 80 Dutch fishing vessels)


    ""Besides it is much to be feared that the Dutchmen may come on shore with their land soldiers and take away their men by force""

    Author's note.. It is probable that the bishop returned by the bearer of the letter, verbal instructions to Mr Carnaby, hence OUR INABILITY to trace the denouement of this affair.



    Nice story Dixymick - where you get the info from?

  7. If you came out of "Angry Kid mode", stopped insulting people and attacked their often daft ideas, then you'd be a lot more effective Monsta.

    It's like the BNP. Many rational people would go along with some of their less wild ideas. The problem is often not what is being said, but who is saying it, and how it is being said.

    As you've pointed out I expected that intelligent people would understand that my saying !*!@# was simply an abbreviation for Chinese Takeway. But the PC crowd would rather focus on the fact that it could be seen as a derogatory reference to a Chinese person. Well it could, but only if you quite deliberately misconstrued what I was saying. But.. the PC crowd are very good at doing just that!

    This is brilliant news for the people who do want to stir up racial hatred! Making neutral words like negro taboo is an excellent way to illustrate what a paucity of constructive ideas you actually have. When people see how brain dead the UK political left is then it's not unsurprising that the dumb right can grow its support at an alarming rate.

    Well Said.

    Its people like CK and his troupe who insist that saying things like "Black bags" is being racist, and instead we must all call them refuge sacks.

    CK and co make racism an issue where it isn't.

    In Newcastle last week I saw an Asian man shout '!*!@# ' at someone down the street. Turns out it was his black friend. Would any of you report him for race hate crimes, or approach him and tell him off?

    (Now I'm waiting on Missvic editing out, or even better - completely changing my post in favour for a bad joke. Now where did I read that article... "When moderators suck?")

  8. If you came out of "Angry Kid mode", stopped insulting people and attacked their often daft ideas, then you'd be a lot more effective Monsta.

    It's like the BNP. Many rational people would go along with some of their less wild ideas. The problem is often not what is being said, but who is saying it, and how it is being said.

    As you've pointed out I expected that intelligent people would understand that my saying !*!@# was simply an abbreviation for Chinese Takeway. But the PC crowd would rather focus on the fact that it could be seen as a derogatory reference to a Chinese person. Well it could, but only if you quite deliberately misconstrued what I was saying. But.. the PC crowd are very good at doing just that!

    This is brilliant news for the people who do want to stir up racial hatred! Making neutral words like negro taboo is an excellent way to illustrate what a paucity of constructive ideas you actually have. When people see how brain dead the UK political left is then it's not unsurprising that the dumb right can grow its support at an alarming rate.

    Well Said.

    Its people like CK and his troupe who insist that saying things like "Black bags" is being racist, and instead we must all call them refuge sacks.

    CK and co make racism an issue where it isn't.

    In Newcastle last week I saw an Asian man shout '!*!@# ' at someone down the street. Turns out it was his black friend. Would any of you report him for race hate crimes, or approach him and tell him off?

  9. possibly, after a rough breakup 6-7 years ago i been milling about at my parents house as mine had to be sold. i think its a bit bad being close to 30 and living with parents!

    only other option would be moving in with miss darn... (BedlingtonLass) :blink:

    Might as well move in with the missus then!

  10. It's all going to turn into some gruesome Kafkaesque nightmare (of funny Ealing comedy) where we are all going about living our normal lives when some uniformed brute barks, "Your papers please". Under the proposed legislation is wouldn't be an offense to 'fail to carry' but just wait for a quiet amendment to be slipped in later by a future Home Secretary. Your ID would be scanned by the brute's handheld and your details (including your DNA) checked against the central data-base. You get a mis-match (a bit like Pete's situation) and get lifted then disappear into the system. Forget the 28 day detention period - Gordon Brown is reported today as wanting unlimited detention - yes I know it's for terror stuff but just wait for the quiet amendment to extend the measure to all offenses.

    Lets not be sidetracked by the spurious arguement that "it's all OK 'cos I've got nothing to hide". Every major IT project commisioned by the Government has, or will fail to meet specification - in other words in won't work properly. You want to trust your freedom to a crippled piece of kit? Your DNA profile will be sold to the commercial sector; so the insurance companies will load-up premiums to individuals belonging to certain groups, jobs will be refused because you belong to some vague group who statistically are pre-disposed to certain behaviour. It doesn't matter that the innocent are harmed.

    Scary thought.

  11. Wey Tree Man just woke up one day with a few spots on his face which then turned into branch-like tumours.He had them cut off at hospital but they just grow straight back..the doctors don`t know what it is. So now,his family just cut bits off with scissors and knives to keep it down a bit!

    He`s now joined a group called "The Association of Strange People" which basically is a troupe of four people who appear at fairs and he earns £165 a show.You coulds say he`s branching out :lol:


    Got any pics?

  12. The one next to Somerfield? I overheard the bloke in !*!@# Hat saying that Wetherspoons had bought it..has anyone heard owt?

    The amount of times I've heard that Wetherspoons has bought a vacant building in Bedlington...

    It's been empty for ages now, so has the old More Store shop... Why is there lots of empty buildings in Bedlington?

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