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Posts posted by Blank

  1. go on there carol! :lol: pleased some one could work it out cause its al french to me!

    Just as easy as it was for you to type in "Hard Maths" into google, it's just as easy typing:

    "a_n = \frac{\sqrt{a_{n-1}^2 + \frac{1}{a_{n-1}^2} + 6} - a_{n-1} - \frac{1}{a_{n-1}}}{2}"

    into google and getting the answer. Try it.

  2. i the rule oif thirds or the golden ratio! 3:2 or there abouts! plus the use of F numbers/stops iso/asa speeds focus distances etc etc, piece of cake! how about the use of light meters! flash settings etc

    It's 1.6180339887... or 1.61803399 exactly if you ask Google.

  3. After ten days of of Rodeo sports, wall to wall parties, and a sea of white stetsons, the Calgary Stampede ends this weekend.

    Like all other Calgary Stampedes it has been a great excuse for eating ,drinking, dressing up as cowboys, and watching the real cowboys risk their necks for for Rodeo titles, and large cash prises.

    This is the time when local hotels, and especially the cowboy themed ones, have a wedding ring checkin. Every year the local news media is retailing stories of the many cowboy-struck participants surrendering their wedding rings for the night.

    Apparently, it seems to have some basis in truth, since Alberta divorce rates show a huge increase in the immediate aftermath of the celebration.

    For the more sedate of us, there are many displays, and some great musice to keep us interested. But for me personally, the most amazing fact of this show, is that over a period of about ten days, there are between four hundred, and five hundred thousand, free Pancake breakfasts given away all over Calgary.

    They are are provided by a wide range of Companies, Banks, Churches, community organisations, city, provincial and federal politicians, the Canadian Armed Forces. You name it, and there have been breakfasts set up all over the city. Several of the the larger shopping malls and corporations have contributed well over 50,000 breakfasts each.

    And these are full breakfasts. Pancakes, Sausages, Eggs, Orange juice and coffee. And apparently people are welcome to go back for more, if they wish. My wife has taken her Grandchildren to a couple of these breakfasts, and they have always had fun.

    Considering that the population of Calgary is about 1,100,000, that's a lot of pancakes and eggs!

    Just thought that I would mention it!

    By the way, I will be offline or a couple of weeks after July 18th. My wife and I are going to Ontario and then New Brunswick to visit our kids and grandkids who live there.

    Regards, Joe

    Have fun Joe :)

  4. No one wants a nuclear plant on their doorstep, but they have to be built somewhere.

    If it was built 100 miles away, would anyone here complain then? No... but at the end of the day, nuclear is the way things are going. If you don't like it, write to Gordon Brown.

    It doesn't matter whether it's a nuclear plant, coal plant, sea turbines or wind farms theres always people who will complain.

    I remember watching the news a while ago, some toffs were complaining about a planned wind farm being built on some hills on the horizon - which they could see from their windows. They lived in the middle of nowhere, it was a small community. Anyway, their reasons for objecting was "When we look at them for a period of time, we get dizzy" and "Ohhh it will devalue our homes". I bet they were more than happy for them to be plonked somewhere else though.

    !*!@# idiots.

  5. Ex Bedlington lad here - used to contribute on the old forum and have just stumbled across this place tonight. Have lived away from the town now for 3 years (my ma still lives near the Bank Top though). Sadly the place doesn't seem to have changed much during that time and if it all in the last 10 years. Save for the amount of new houses that seem to be sprouting up pretty much everywhere.

    The Front Street looks to be a pale shadow of what it used to be and that's definitely the right phrase to use for a Sat night in Bedlington. Seems as if it's only 5 years or so since it used to be cracking tour on a Sat night. People seem to have moved on elsewhere (Morpeth) whilst Bedlington pubs remain full of underage kids/charvas. Also - the less said about the Station, the better. I had heard it got done up a bit, but it just turns out that The Clayton had a new window put in. ;):lol:

    Oh and the Perry's seem to be wanting to have their fingers in lots of pies. Last year, a plan was submitted to build flats (a Bail Hostel) on land at the back of my mam's house (on Melrose Ave) - thankfully it got thrown out. You'd think these lads would have made more than enough money to keep them going from 'running' the football club for 10 years......

    Hope this isn't coming over as having a go at the place (I'm not) - just more concerned with the direction or lack of one which the town seems to be suffering from. Is this the fault of WDC, or are there other reasons ? Bedlington has the potential to be as vibrant as Morpeth, but falls a long way short at the moment.

    Oh and of course - The Christmas Lights ! :unsure:

    We all feel the same way, well at least I do.

  6. then all of a sudden mongo came back grabbed monsta out of hiding and killed him pulled off his head stuck it up his a*** chopped off his fingers and burned them and fed the rest of his body to a pack of 1000 dogs to make it impossible for him to return then peter pan came and ..

    ..said "eeeeee i'm a 61 year old in a little boys body! I never grow up me!"


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