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Posts posted by Blank

  1. Wey,the council has been sending letters out saying that if they need to come in to your house to do repairs etc,you`ll not be allowed to smoke,so you`ll have to leave your own house to have a tab..so it`ll be the same for home helps.The old folk will have to stand in the rain and have their tab if the home-help is in :blink:

    It'll be good for them, getting a bit of fresh air and all that.

  2. Young herberts wearing black nail polish?

    Herberts don't wear black nail polish CK:


    "(Her - Bert) The generic term used to describe moronic sub-humans who loiter around outside tacky fast food resteraunts and off licences. The term can be used in conjunction chavs and janners.

    As a social class the Herbert prefers Burberry knock-offs, Argos jewellery and cheap cider. The males are individually weak and easily scared off, yet in groups they can be intimidating b****rds who will try to !*!@# anything from cigarettes to small change off you.

    Herberts are not only recognisable by their sh***y dress sense they are also borderline Neanderthals. They possess no grasp of wit or irony - they are proud of there ignorance and take pleasure in insulting anyone with a grain more intelligence than they possess. I imagine that's why they are so obnoxious to everyone...

    "I was walking past the off-licence at 10 last night and i encountered a group of herberts - one stood up next to me and demanded that i blix my watch to him.

    I pushed him over and stampted on his head 18 times... At this point a police officer stopped me and took over.""

  3. As everyone probably knows, Alan Johnston was freed earlier this morning.

    I thought he was a goner to be honest, but it's good to see he was released. Nice to see some good news being broadcast for once too.

    Hip, hip, hooray!

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