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Posts posted by Blank

  1. Cant wait to see these match box houses when they get built in all their breeze block glory.

    Although they are detached, they wont have a meter between them, the gardens wont be big enough to sit in and the residents will be snooty "keep themselves to themselves" kind of people, who's main objective in life is to keep up with the neighbors whilst secretly struggling to pay the mortgage and up to their necks in debt.

    Look! I presumed, prejudged, jumped to a conclusion.

    I also did something else, can anyone guess?

    Can anyone be arsed?


    I bet!

    Good old Bedlington.

  2. No one here has to put up with Monsta or anyone else on the forum for that matter.

    You lot spend more time moaning on about how Monsta is this and that - for gods sake just ignore him if your that bothered by him!

    Its more boring listening to you lot all being miserable than it is reading Monstas posts, for every one post by Monsta theres 10 posts from members complaining about his spelling errors and his "wrong" point of view.

    Get out more often, and it might not affect you so much.

  3. Ok, I cant upload movies, I get a message saying "The connection was reset".

    Yes I know I can upload it to Youtube and provide a link but its not the point, I'd rather have it in my new gallery.

    Help? Cheers.

  4. I love it when this deity destroys thousands, even millions of lives, because he/she has decided. All of it fiction, but many people believe that crap, I wish Noah had swatted that pair of mosquitoes..... lol

    Swalnalla, no one is forcing anything upon you you know. Calm down.

    So have you got a favorite bible story then?

  5. Please excuse my presumptuousness, :o I should have checked your profile first, hope you can find your way to forgive me :rolleyes:

    All is forgiven!

    Not that you huffed me in the first place like...

    Although there is people on here who are easily huffed!

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