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Posts posted by Blank

  1. The people who don't vote haven't got the right to moan about the state that Bedlington is in then, have they?

    Thats what an old tutor told me anyway...

    As for me, my voting card came through the door when everyone else's did - but thats it. I haven't had any leaflets or anything... so to be honest, I don't know who to vote for.

  2. Well i think the button should be a Bedlington Terriers face from the front, looking totally daft with its tongue hanging out.

    Haway man you lot, a dog is a mans best friend! Why bore us all with Bedlington crosses and nails and whatever else.

    Try to put some life and humor into the site!

    Saying that I think they look funny enough without the tongue thing going on - aren't they cute?


  3. Didn't Barry_Jones say something about claiming off banks or something in a previous post?

    "im sure everyone has heard about reclaiming thier bank charges...but has anyone else tried?At first i wasnt sure if it would work,but i thought why not.I coulnt believe my eyes when i got a letter from the bank offering to credit my account for £375 for unfair charges for the past 6 years!My claim was for £400 so i was very happy about that.I used an online company to do all the work for me and they take 20% of the final offer.All i had to do was give them my details and wait.C,mon everyone lets get revenge on the banks!"

    So what is all of this about?

    So whats classed as an unfair charge?

  4. Sitting in the sunshine, sipping my Pimms, and watching the wee beasties flitting around the water, I got to thinking that my garden pond was very much like this forum ....

    Mr threegee, the pond's custodian, had created a wonderful environment for all forms of wildlife to thrive and co-exist. There is the wise old owl (lets call him Joe) perched on an overhanging Maple bough wistfully surveying all below and dreaming of what the pond used to be like when he was a chick. Then there's the two graceful Grey Herons (perhaps we could call them Colonel and Symptoms) watching with beady-eye and razor-sharp beaks, water rippling arounds their feet, poised to feast on morsels drifting up from the dark depths below. A diverse range of other attractive creatures also share this place (missvic, Mrs Pencilneck and many others) contributing to the rich mix that makes this a beautiful spot to visit.

    There is, however, a dark side to this idyll; the menace that slithers through the primordial soup at the lowest reaches of this place. Barely formed creatures, monster-like in appearance, drag their wizened bodies through the slime, spewing foul odours and disgusting bile from their mouth parts. Much to their confusion, the graceful Herons occasionally see signs of ambition flickering within these the bitter and twisted forms. Could it be that a graceful Dragonfly will emerge and soar majestically on the wing, impressing all those who witness the start of a meaningful life of contribution and wisdom around the pond. The Herons hope so! Danger lurks however ... the metamorphosis into this dapperly uniformed creature could fail, it could mutate into a belligerent beast who readily attacks the occasional, brightly coloured migrants who visit the pond for respite. The horrors visited on the local creatures by these malevolent beasts fade when compared to what awaits the innocent creatures standing in the way of the September migration through Poland and beyond.

    Where do I get a mention in all this then? I'm feeling a bit left out...


  5. Can you upload your pic of the Red Lion again please B. I think 4G was upgrading the gallery software or something whilst you were uploading, and it got corrupted. Sorry about that! :(

    When I try to upload it I get an error message saying "The image you tried to upload appears to be an invalid image."

    I've tried uploading other images too.

    If its any help, this is the code that appears at the top of my screen:

    IPB WARNING [2] file_get_contents() expects at most 2 parameters, 5 given (Line: 484 of /ips_kernel/class_upload.php)

  6. Macromedia Fireworks 8, but not by me.

    I was talking about the old banner there - it was made in Fireworks 8? It could have easily been done in MS paint, wouldn't have known the difference.

    The new banner is a lot better though.

  7. Yes, we know the Galleries and Blogs haven't been integrated into the new software yet - in the next 24!

    There are also a number of layout issues to work through over the next couple of days. It will all be worth it in the end! :rolleyes:

    And, sorry for not giving any proper notice of the work.

    One thing you will note is how very much faster this software is!

    Love the new look, its a lot better!

    Well Done!

  8. I love it, I love it! Monsta'll be bleating-on about the 'good old Queen Mum' next. How she was the glue that held 'Dear Old Blighty' together during the last spot of bother. Conned, like most of the population, that the old girl was somehow our secret weapon against the Hun. Nonesense, of course; the gin-soaked old hag was living the life of luxury, gorging on black-market goods, whilst the rest of the population had to go without. Should have been strung-up alongside Lord Haw-Haw.

    I'm no fan of the royal family myself, cant see the point in them to be honest.

    I think Harry wants to go to Iraq simply because he's bored stiff with the pampered life he's got.

    Saying that, even if he goes to Iraq, he'll probably still have the poshest tent of the lot and a load of body guards.

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