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Posts posted by Blank

  1. Where exactly in the woods have they installed Janus?

    You can see Janus from standing on the bridge Pete, its just along the path a bit... just past that old ruin of a building. Its made of iron, and stands a bit taller than me (5ft 5).

    I cant remember how much it cost or who made it...

  2. I think that Prince Harry should go, after all, When he joint the army in theory he stopped being a royal and became a soldier and should fight along side all the other brave men and women of this country

    I dont agree with the war in Iraq, but I do agree that the future King of England should fight alongside his fellow country men and risk his own life as they do.

    Wor Harry wants to fight - He reckons he'll quit the army if he cant.

  3. Don't reconise the second photo from the left, what is it? I reconise the other photos even though its been many years since I last went down the woods.

    Pete - thats Janus!


    We got her / him installed a while ago now.

    Janus was a Roman god. Here is some more about information about Janus:


    I have loads of photographs of Bedlington - since you don't live here anymore, you can request some if you want and I'll get them up!

    That goes for anyone else outside the area!

    PS: I had to edit out the graffiti on the right head entitled "N*b heed". hehe

  4. Just spotted three more tatty buttons on the Gallery upload page - before anyoneone else reports them. As good as fixed right now.

    BTW the Gallery can be much improved I think. Made a few quick changes already. Did you know that you can upload videos too? Think we need a few categories for different sorts of albums. I'm not so sure that, given the thumbnail sizes, a black background will improve things though. It's a bit "common" too! :)

    I agree, I think its important to keep consistency throughout the sites pages, and leave the black background to sites which cater for the visually impaired. Or you could always add an alternative style sheet.

    I also think there should be some sort of order to the gallery - go on then, get some categories added!

    I didn't know videos could be added, I'll go and have a snoop now.

  5. Eh? Has it changed? Everything looks exactly as it did before???

    Nah, nothing major has changed Ms Hair, I was just pointing out some tatty images to threegee, who has, or is going to improve them.

    As for the site banner, it will be getting designed again as threegee is going to breathe new life into the current design!

    Well... the current banner anyway.

  6. That one was already cleaned up. I thought the 3D effect looked OK considering it was only 10x10 pixels. Must be your monitor or something?! Anyway, it's now boring old white to suit you! ;)

    The header was scheduled for a redo as part of the Homepage revamp.

    Shock Horror! No, I can assure you my monitor is fine, I just have very good eyesight.

    But I will agree that the new icon is a lot better looking.

  7. I cleaned up a few of the tatty graphics this morning. Mostly the blue buttons on the striped background.

    Can't see any other ones that look strange, but there are dozens and dozens of the little b's, and I don't even pretend that I've explored all the contexts that they display in. So... if anyone comes across any tatty looking graphics then post or PM me explaining where they are (copy the URL) and how you got there - please!

    Homepage due for a tidy up now.

    Tatty Image Alert 1: nav.gif

    Looks fine on a white background but gets 10/10 for shabbiness on that horrid blue background. Its named nav.gif if thats any help. (Image before "Community" at the top there).

    Tatty Image Alert 2: logo7.gif

    Sorry, but I really think this banner lets the site down!

    One more thing, when CSS is disabled the whole site is totally unreadable because of the background. Personally I'd change it, as it is a community site that should be accessible to everyone.

  8. I was down there today at dinner time and guess what?

    There was a big white council van parked down the path from Janus (Where that newish seat is).

    The seat was getting varnished.

    If that wasn't enough, there was also a police woman patrolling the place too.

    Just when I thought she was following me, she turned off towards the river, and had a yap with some school uniformed youngins who were fishing.

    Well thats it. Oh, and look out for my photos that i took while i was down there - I'll have them up soon once i can figure out why Photoshop aint opening them all of a sudden... :angry:

  9. As you ask the answer is: no they haven't. The vast majority of members behave quite sensibly.

    There are only a couple using multiple accounts now, and they will need to decide which one they keep, and which one they desist from using. That's before a decision is imposed on them.

    Threegee, do you or did you used to work at the library?

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