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Posts posted by Blank

  1. The European market that came to Bedlington brought the following things:

    Bread / Pastry




    Hand bags (Plastic ones).

    I heard an old woman shout "Eeeeee! Yi need a cheque book to buy from here".

    It wasn't a French market it was a European market by the way...

    When i went to France there were loads of markets on, the fruit was twice the size and a quarter of the price.

    Pete, we don't have a farmers market in Bedlington...

  2. Was he a portly chap with hippy hair and a beard? A bit mad looking?

    If it's the same chap, he was on the same bus as me the other week. I can confirm he smells very strongly of human faeces.

    No, he was of normal build... and the same red car was parked there below the hill where he was!

    This bloke you saw on the bus... did he have like, tatty looking hair and a round face? And a big dirty coat? I think I've seen him before...

  3. The bandstand!

    That reminds me!

    Today at about 12pm i saw this man sitting on the hill (Where the car park is). He had his legs crossed and he was rocking back and forth....

    Then at 4:00pm on my way back from Cramlington he was still there! Still rocking... i don't know he might have been on drugs but what if he was suicidal or something!?

  4. For those that are interested, if i'm not mistaken, it is very similer to the one on That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds item no: 130099148271

    am i right missvic?

    Its a treadmill you want Mr Darn, i ordered a £400 from Argos (Reduced from £600) and they delivered the wrong one!

    They gave me a massive one that goes up and down and everything, worth £900.

    Nice one.

  5. Not me, i do my shopping at Netto and ASDA.

    Well if you ask me Somerfield is over priced and they don't stock most of the stuff you actually want.

    Whenever i go in there for the odd thing, i only see people with baskets with a few things in, I've never seen anyone with a full trolley...

  6. Bring back the record shop. Ooh, and that fancy cake shop that was somewhere opposite the Bull. And the Co-op.

    Close Somerfield. And Greggs. I don't want to be buying me records and cakes with Greggs-frequenters about.

    Does anyone here actually shop at Somerfield? - and i mean proper shopping not just nipping in for a loaf or pint of milk.

  7. i blame womens rights....if you buggers didnt go out to work and let us men earn the crust, you would have more time to shop at the local markets, instead of 'online shopping' and superstores.

    Shouldn't you be blaming online shopping then?


    For me, the problem with the market is that nothing changes... and the quality of the stuff they try to sell you.

    Its always the same old stuff...

  8. Speaking of dogs being let out, theres two Jack Russel's running riot around our street. They've been barking non stop since 5am (And most of yesterday).

    When i got back today the old woman next door was standing in her doorway, shouting at the kids across the road to stay away from them. She said one of the dogs went for her when she went to close her garden gate.

    Their mother came out and took them in the house - but i saw one of the dogs running after and barking at this woman walking by just before before...

    I did phone the council to see if a warden could do something about it, and of course "Someone would be right out"

    That was four hours ago... and the little shits are still out there being a nuisance!

  9. Not really, but heres the thing:

    On the homepage, at the bottom - it shows us who the newest member to join is.

    More times than not, when I've clicked the user name (to see if they have left any posts of course) it appears that they have left one message in "Household Items For Sale".

    But they haven't... theres just nothing there.

    Ok so its not THAT exciting to be starting a new thread on, but i wanna know whats going on!


  10. The other question is, who is paying for them to come over to England? Wanspeck council or you the tax payer? Or do they foot the bill?

    If they charge 3 quid for a loaf of bread, surely they can afford to pay for their own way here!

    Unless of course its three times bigger than a normal loaf...

    Come to think of it, IF they are selling bread, how fresh will it be? I mean, they tour England dont they? Going to different markets so, do they have portable ovens or something?

  11. Hi,

    Just in the start of the woods near bank top there is a building or it used to be does anyone know what it was? you can see where a wall would have been and there is a door sealed up.

    Just asking out of interest.

    Cheers all

    Is that the place down the hill just past the car park?

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