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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. Darnie, never mind monster moaning about tapwater he'll have a good right to moan,have you seen the !*!@# they put in it? Monsta, do you you not think it should be black pudding and vaseline :lol: :lol:
  2. Buying kegs of beer other than from brewery, brewery finding out, agreeing to brewery fitting meters to pumps after paying fine(in region of 2 grand) yes I agree this would be very hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Do they deserve a decent salary now? I mean they get a holiday every second week (cardboard and plastic bottles must be very hard to wheel about ) Then they can't pick a bin liner up (ooooooooooh! me back ) Garden waste bags are alright to pick up though they are twice the weight of of a bin liner but no problem of a bad back there as we are helping the planet, God forbid they'll have to break into a sweat! The best one is they still expect their xmas tips :D :D
  4. Thats it Labours oot! What a vote loser taxing cider, millions ov chavs will now vote for.........errrr hold on errrrrrrrrr hold on I'm wrong, chavs can't even spell 'X' :lol:
  5. They live in a different universe to us lot, like a few on here :(
  6. Do you like a bit bit ov head like! There again you might like a bit o tail mwahahahahahaha
  7. No it dosn't work on other boards it has been tried, tested and dropped by quite a number of boards,because of it's attitude of causing conflict! As proved here!!!!!!!!!! As for the boards other people frequent the less said the better!
  8. So that's Gallagher park out of the running for Leisure centre, so now we are left with Meadowdale school field. Or am I behind the times as I missed the last meeting?
  9. All we need now is the multiple accounts to vote and we'll be stuck with it! But so what they can neg me as often as they want,it will NEVER change my attitude. The only people it will affect is the newbies, neg them and they'll think 'Stuff you lot I'll not post'
  10. And who? May I ask is going to pay for said landscaping? Parish or County? Ya Havin a laugh mwahahahaha mwahahahahahahaha
  11. Some people just don't realise what they are doing
  12. Was the forum broken? No! So why fix it? Everything was trundling along nicely everyone talking an having some informative discussions, then WALLOP the proverbial 'spanner' is lobbed into the mix. It's as though some people just can't stand the peace, and thought how can I upset people and become centre of attention! Well done, very well done and I hope you are well pleased sad....very sad.
  13. All in a days work for Mr Perry, God bless him and free enterprise :lol:
  14. Malcolm, Weatherspoons have money... yes? In todays Bedlington climate the trend seems to be:- If you have money and want something done in Bedlington then just chuck money at it and you will get what you want...yes? So I don't think a delicenced building would be a problem to Weatherspoons, not that I think they are actually coming to Bedlington mind you! If they were to come it would put a few nails in the coffins of our few remaining pubs!
  15. Wonky good to see that we are finally getting down to the nitty gritty :lol:
  16. and import a couple of million Geeks oops I mean Greeks to further burden our economic system! there can't be many top notch properties left in London to house them at our expense.... can there?
  17. Tonights euro draw is 113 million quid, what would you buy first? Would you spend some of it to improve Bedlington or would it be a case of bye bye suckers? Personally after sorting out the family(not the hangers on) a big house, large gardens plenty of rotties and a trout lake, that would be me sorted. Oh! By the way, BYE! BYE! SUCKERS :lol:
  18. In 20yrs the tumble weed will be the only thing on Bedlington front street
  19. Hazelmere, I for one have no objection to the old school being knocked down, what I do object to is 19 flats being built on the site! Why not build one or two houses on the site this would solve a few problems. Rea, Can you honestly think that the residents opposite the 20 acres would be happy with a massive construction in front of their properties, there would be more outcry than the old shool. It would devalue their properties for one and a few other reasons I can think of but won't mention them on here(yes, a bit unusual for me, but there you go)
  20. I was ejicaited where you were CHALLANGED :lol:
  21. I know most of them, they're from the station aren't they? :lol:
  22. If you used to go there and got great service, how the hell do you not know where it is?
  23. I drive a car, it has four wheels and gets me from a to b, but 'The car in front is a toyota ' bloody good job as well so it can't smash up the back of me when it's brakes fail while the accelerator is stuck on full :D
  24. Five flats allocated to that space :lol: What am I laughing at, it's probably true :(
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