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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. What about Chahals(zingies) cheap an' you only have to be ten to get served!
  2. Enjoy mate, and have fun when you here........and remember the bog roll :lol:
  3. It was your 'generalisation' of the people of Bedlington, that I was getting at! I admit there are those who couldn't give a jot about this town, but me,and a lot of other people do! You mention Greggs and people dropping litter and compare it with Morpeth! Does Morpeth have a courthouse next to its front street? When the good people come out of the courthouse, after being told 'that's naughty don't do it again' after mugging some old pensioner,they probably head straight to Greggs for some scran, and as its not their town well are they bothered about a few bags? Also does Morpeth look as derelict and run down as Bedlington? No! So we need to do something about it and the sooner the better! As for my village mentality, better to be mental than the village idiot! :lol:
  4. 19 flats eh! Could be interesting. They must use sandstone (coservation area) yes/no? Parking underneath for at least 19 cars.Will 19 Range Rovers fit on this plot? Then there is access to said parking. Then they will have 38 bins, where do these go? Seeing as the bin men don't seek them will there be 19 bins up church lane or causing an obstruction to the crossing? Or is there to be waste chutes down to a skip,how will this be emptied,who pays and who will empty it? There will have to be two skips!(recycling/non recycling) Then there is the privacy factor for funerals and weddings at the church, and again parking! Then there is the actual building of said flats but I'll leave that till later.
  5. So, you must class yourself as 'these sort of people' as you are also walking down the front street! You must also class me as 'this sort' as well as I am often down the front street,there again everyone in Bedlington must be 'these sort of people' because there are very few visitors. So basically you think we are all 'this sort of people'! We're all inbreeds eh! that also must be self inclusive. Sorry but it is people with your sort of mentality that runs this town down, and I hope that not everyone in bedlington has your attitude, because if it is then we are doomed I say DOOMED!
  6. Tesco have started selling their stuff off cheap today! A decision must have been made one way or another, either to close and refurbish or close altogether.
  7. Malcolm I suggested the community centre so as to keep it alive! Tongue in cheek, to get people thinking, we need to do something other than to tow the county line! We are lost and the abyss is vast.
  8. Nice to see you introduced yourself! I think this is an oversight on your part as you are so used to posting you forgot the need to eh! I also think rather than using tomato ketchup on your food you prefer HP sauce
  9. My dog which is a BITCH is called !*!@#(D.I.C.K) and will willingly give you a helping hand! Your swear catcher is not 100% Pity help anyone who is called D.I.C.K when trying to sign up
  10. Do you really have to ask ME that question?..........AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH
  11. Up The Republic! As for the dolies maybe Camille(Miss Vic) could crack the whip, dressed in leather uuurrrrgggh, cringe, vomit, shudder bah! when they are building said wall. Should The Station be included in the boundry or not? If not where would the cut off be? Should we include Nedderton and Hartford Hall(Plenty money there ) We could use the community centre as town hall Put them in the dole office on minimum wage(see how they like it) and them in the cooncil offices, tell them that the computer has made a mistake and they're not getting paid for six month, and because it's more than a month it can't be back-dated so they're getting NOWT Lift the smoking ban and get people back in the pubs, better than smelling BO, stale beer and FART, let dogs sh-it everywhere, good for the flower beds and no more placca bags hanging from trees. OWT ELSE!
  12. Now look Miss Vic, Camille whatever your now name is . I tell you what, the next time it snows I'll round up all the unfortunate people on housing benefit or any benefits for that matter and we'll beat a track to your door,and tugging our forelocks bowing and scraping we'll clear your drive and roads wherever you want to go, since its real money you pay! Snobby B***H. What goes round comes round! Some day you will appreciate the benefit system. I don't wish it on anybody but, to you lady I hope it comes round and quick!
  13. A point raised by myself not so long ago! Bedlington should stand alone instead of pandering to the needs of Ash-it-on Bedlington and not so new Newbiggin-by-the-sewer. Has Bedlington got to tow the line of the county, or should we tell the fekkers to stick it? Too long we have been the poor relations of this area, now not only have we to compete with Ashington and Newbiggin we now have to compete with them and Blyth, Cramlington, Morpeth, Berwick and so on, we had no chance then, we have even less chance now! We as Bedlington need to make a stand now or be consigned to the annuls of history as 'Here used to stand the Historic town of Bedlington'
  14. Well then you obviously you have no knowledge of the building trade! To say there is nothing wrong with the slab laying says it all! I make my living in the general building trade. I watched with some amusement at their efforts and said to many at the time, 'I bet they don't last long' never for one moment did I think it would only be one month before I was proved right! York stone is one of the best, so you would think that the best would be used to lay them,yes? Not 'Black Labour'at £40 a day who haven't got a clue! This is FACT because I know who they were! This is not their fault but the fault of the people who employed them and who have ended up with a thick wedge in their back pockets! The 'pointing'would not have made any difference because of the way they were laid in the first place, you would probably have got another month if that, but to say it could only be done in the spring,utter nonsense! When this 'job', was 'finished' no snow ice or frost were present, even if it were a thick plastic membrane would have been sufficient to allow for the 'pointing' to be done,anyway it should be done with a dry mix! Some slabs around the Needle are proud to about 5 to 10 mm sufficient for compensation claims, especially when they haven't been grouted! I hope the contract included a re-med clause, if not I hope the money is available to rip this 'job' up and do it again properly!
  15. SuperMan you are just........ well.......Super Man :lol:
  16. Camille if you are so aggrieved get on to the coooooncil and give them grief IF you pay REAL money. Whether people are on benefits or pay real money is of no concern the service is paid for one way or another and should be provided! As for the roads being COMPLETELY clear what an absolute load of bull sh&t, and I re-iterate my reference to alcohol, lady you must have been on some bender :lol: and how does a massive pile of snow running down the middle of the road make you have to tailgate the car in front, bloody dangerous driving if you ask me! For your benefit, Camille, if middle earth is the midlands then bloody well say the midlands, and did you know the N East of England doesn't start N of Watford just thought I'd let you know since we're on a geography lesson
  17. Camille, you either been dreaming or driving a snow plough :lol: The golf course road has always been one lane either way or has the snow turned it into a dual-carriageway :lol: I live in Bedlington and my bins have been emptied as and when they should have been. If your's haven't been emptied I suggest you get on to Berwick bin men and they'll gladly send the waggon down to empty them as according to owen we are all served by the same people, I mean we all live in Northumberland don't we :P Oh! and by the way maybe the new year drink is still kicking in,it can cause some hellish dreams :blink:
  18. nicksy are you on free food from accolade, this is now three threads you are bangin on about it :lol: If you are I'm just jealous
  19. Where is this gastronomic delight situated?
  20. If you had the idea I was having a go, I wasn't! The remark about 'islamic activists' was a shot at our own in house islamic activists that are no longer gracing us with their presence on this forum! I agree it is the minority of muslims that are to blame. In your original post you mention colour and creed and religion.this has been said by me many times on here and, that, I also have no problem with this. Everybody can come to this island, they can come till it sinks for all I care, but when they do come they obey our laws, whats good for me is good for them, and if they don't like it well.................................
  21. Read it properly and you'll get the gist! I meant that Asda Ashington and Blyth in context to his reference to distance concerning Tesco, Bedlington and Morpeth! I don't think I mentioned anything about any work being done at Asda Ashington.
  22. Sad very sad, when the day of reckoning comes I won't even be bothered to say'I told you' :(
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