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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Mackem and Geordie walking along the beach,when mackem picks up a bottle.Mackem gives it a quick rub and up pops a genie."Now then mackem you get one wish,think very carefully before you ask"."Well"says Mackem"Can you build a brick wall around Sunderland to keep those !*!@# Geordies out?"Is that it, says the genie no gold or eternal life?"No says Mackem"Just the wall." "Ok" says the genie"so be it" A hundred foot fall appears around mackem land.

    Well then Geordie its your turn for a wish says the genie.Geordie says"Ye naa wen the f**ckin Mackem asked for 'is waal did 'e ask for any windas or dors in it?" No says the Genie."Well then" sez Geordie "Fill it wi wata"

  2. If you’re seriously asking Pete, I assume Merlin was referring to the Fawlety Towers sketch, by reference, when the Germans stayed. “Don’t mention the war’ has since become a popular saying...........you MUST have seen that! :D

    Thankyou Malcolm for enlightening Pete on this matter :lol:

    Pete I'm shaking my head in disbelief you didn't twig to this!

  3. Because i aint got a crystal ball... the dunny was open this time last year, andlook what happened to that!!! :D

    So i did!!!

    Could themarvelous forum moderator please add this option to the list? and i think it deserves a +1 from hamburger pimp! ;)

    But........But............. I am so disappointed now, I thought you knew everything :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. Hairdressers or Pet Beauticians?

    Should move all the estate agents and hairdressers upstairs,to free up space on the front street for some proper shops ie: Oxfam,scope etc etc :lol: :lol: Then move the cooncil in downstairs so they could work and have their jollies in one and the same place then we wouldn't have to pay for their travel expenses.And if you get in arrears with your cooncil tax or rent then its straight oot the side door into court next door and into the cells thus freeing up our over stretched police force and local magistrates court to let every else walk free!The car park at the back could house Bedlington market,just the right size I would say.

    Anyone got any other ideas?

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