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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Old hat this,but where would they build this leisure palace,where there is land W.D.C. build houses!

    Darni you off on another power trip or what?Calm down man! People might,just might take you seriously :lol:

    Mercury. If kids are on the street then they are not at concordia/blyth as they do not sell cheap booze!

    As for money for us ie.Bedlington,get a grip man,any money W.D.C. gets goes to Newbiggin-By- the-Sewer or Ash-it-on as in Ash-It-on Bedlington. So no surprise the money is going elsewhere....eh!!! De-ja-vu.

    Bedlington High School the opperative word there is High!

    Mercury don't mention 'It's your country' in HP's precense you'll be accused of racism,cos if blacks muslims or others of ethnic minorities wanted anything in Bedlington you can Guarantee HP's support,I'm sure I saw him on telly holding a placard'Basra Murderers' when our brave troops returned home,I have also heard that he has a steel hook attached to one arm,he also patrols The Monkey and Northumberland Arms preaching his White Hatred

    While I'm on the subject yet more !*!@# from HP.Off topic and non-sensical as usual.Hiding behind Annon AS USUAL as if we don't know he's there,come on darni you are slipping if he's post dosn't warrant shifting to the bin then nothing does!

  2. Are you as unpleasant in real life as you are on here?

    Maybe sissinghurst does indeed have a sense of humour, only it's a one that doesn't rely on racism and posting numerous smilies after your own witless remarks?

    There are such people out there, you know?

    Yes I am. She probably has unlike you. The most racist people are people like yourself flinging it in to the spotlight at every opportunity baiting people and waiting for them to bite.A black man as an avitar and calling him pimp says it all don't you think!!! :angry:<_<:):rolleyes:B):lol:;):rolleyes::o:huh:

  3. Happy to hear you like the Golden Dragon, but please refrain from the derogatory ethnic phrases in your review; come on, it is the 21st Century, even in Bedlington. Thanks for sharing. <_<

    Oh! My God! Not another F****R get a life ,and a sense of humour might be helpful, the PC brigade are gonna love you on this site! Which church you from anyway? :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

  4. I hope any investigations are promptly carried out as well Cympil.

    This seems to be a really sad situation. However, I think it would be fair to acknowledge that this is a complex case involving information that the general public are not privvy to. Jade has had plenty to say and is freely allowed to give her side of the story. The medical profession are not and are bound by confidentiality clauses.

    The medical profession? Theres more cover ups than a political party! I can see them all now destroying notes, falsifying documents,back scratching and !*!@# licking.but there is one thing: because of who she is and her public standing they should be worried very worried,well would you want her mother breathing down your neck!!

  5. Has anyone played this game yet and if so, what do you think of it? If you haven’t played it, will you play it in the future or is there anyone who cannot stand these games?

    Personally I haven’t played it yet although I've seen screenshots of it and it does look good. I might play it myself but I think I'll wait and see what other people make of it first!

    Somebody keeps promising to fetch this game for me to play..........mmmmmmmmmmm.....hasn't arrived yet! He must still be playing it :D

  6. If it is like Dead Space i`ll not be playing on it. Cos it`s too creepy :lol: Dead space is THEE most scary game i have ever been on. I love watching other people playing on it though :D

    Dante`s Inferno does look like a good game though, if you like getting frights. I`m pretty sure there`s a film coming out too.

    Dead Space is mint. Jus got oot o hospital with the bloody heart attacks I had playing this bloody game,theres claa marks in the ceiling and the number of bloody keks av had to wash is unbelievable,other than that, this is the best game av been on in ages.

    As for Dantes Inferno aah canna wait, though me insurance company might ave other ideas :lol: :lol:

  7. Think they are trying to reintroduce wolves to Scotland, but haven't heard of any introduction down the Station. I have been informed of of the presence of a rowdy cockerel on Melrose Terrace though...

    Tempting very tempting,but I am in a good mood cos the toons winning :lol: :lol:

  8. Walking past the bank top late last night there was loads of howling coming from the fields and the woods, it was totally spooky. Does anyone know if we have wolves in these parts?

    Can,t be they are playing at Coventry today :lol: :lol: :lol:

  9. You got that one right Fourgee but theres even better according to the news today, the present manager says its all KK's fault because he did not buy the players to get the strength in depth correct. I think he must be looking at Mr Arsely through rose tinted glasses.

    Rose tinted glasses can't get this wrong

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