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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. At 4ft nowt, I thought it was just a problem with me :D glad to hear no one else can get down them either. As for the parking issue, it's a great thing! There's a great white (van) who pulls out much too quicky(!)... ended up with MrVic falling off his chopper one day!

    The visions this has incurred! Him falling off his chopper are better than the ones of MissVic falling off MrVic's CHOPPER :blink::blink: . Wonder if Tescos have the dvd. Shudder :lol:

  2. that'll finish us off shopping in tescos every saturday, flaming rip off and I'm sure Tesco will have something to say about it.

    Asda here we come.

    You forgetting something the B%^$£&*S control Ashington and Blyth don't think that their car parks will escape.just look at Morpeth!!!!

  3. any one know any good SEA fishing spots up the northeast coast?

    any where but cambois, blyth harbour or the seven stars


    Bog Hall rocks(low tide)Lynemouth,The Scars(low tide) Cresswell,Bottom of cliffs(low tide) cresswell be prepared to run! Behind Alcan(high tide) Newbiggin Prom(high tide)You don't want this info but,behind the houses,North Blyth and the Silo's(high tide)Cresswell beach(low tide)Durridge beach(low tide)Amble opposite Coquet island(low tide)Hadston(watch your car and your gear) The list goes on and on.If you looking for hotspots then your local tackle shop will give you the relevant info! Myself I packed in sea fishing about 25yr ago cos there's nowt left in the N Sea 10 an 20lbs ers were regular then but not now! I now fly fish,and yes monsta I caught a 20lb bluebottle the other day,thats before you start!Yawn Yawn B) The fish are there it's up to me to catch them,unlike the sea!

    Good luck

    Oh by the way most of the places mentioned here fish best during the hours of darkness!

  4. If you had 3 words to describe Bedlington what would they be?

    I realise this has the potential to end up as a typical town bashing but it's for a serious purpose so please try not to be too predictable and keep them positive.

    These could be adjectives, landmarks or any other word you would associate with the town.

    1) A







  5. I never wrote a smilie rule! They're alreet by me. :):)

    Better than hate, abuse, language that offends site members and Girls Aloud.

    We live in a democracy I believe,not in a dictatorship! I and everyone else has a right to an opinion!You can't please all the people all of the time.

    The dictator has deleted his account :lol: :lol:

  6. she gave us a laugh with her non entities,she wasn't afraid of making a fool of herself,her heart was in the right place.Please now let her rest in peace!

    Now wait for the scum(press)to jump on Jack Tweed and her mother!I just hope they leave her kids alone.

  7. I can exclusively reveal that the former site of said Baths is now a regular haunt for none other than Hamburger Pimp, in his new role as a doting parent.

    Christmas Day will never be the same again. :(

    Denzil,unwittingly you have revealed the identity of the preacher of white hatred and his venue for extemist proclamations.I thought it a bit strange that a load of heavily bearded men were heading down Church Lane,but you know how it is these days you can't say how it is,because you one might upset the ethnic minority,!*!@# shovers or cooncilors,who,I might say,have the right to do anything they bloody well like,cos if we say anything then vast amounts of compo will be paid out! UP THE REVOLUTION!

  8. Can't say its Channel 4s fault for showing Bedlington in a bad light. Bedlington is a !*!@# hole and the reason for that I put squarely at the councils door. Too much money has gone out of this town and up the road to ashington, they keep taking about Bedlington getting this new market place but its too late....if it'll ever happen at all. And now the new council refuses to guarantee the £500k from the sale of Bedlington golf course will be spent in Bedlington!

    All the town needs is a bit of investment, sort out the wasteland near Tescos, convert Elliotts garage and the church hall and the whole place will be looking much better.

    Nowt like sucking the life out of a town and watching it die whilst chucking money at a town like ashington!

    The sooner Wansbeck council curls up and die the better....the question is though, will Northumberland Council do any better? Hopefully (but very unlikely) a Place in the Sun will make the council sit up and notice, a town with such a proud history deserves better.

    Bedlington doesn't exist in the cooncils eyes and never has since the B*&^*&^s moved to A-Shi-Ton Bedlington :angry:

  9. Take a look at the video:


    One dumb kid larking on slips and loses a bit of skin.

    Old days: school matron (often doubling another job) dabs a bit of TCP on it and a sticky plaster; admonishes kid to be more careful. Life (and education) continue.

    Today: Paramedics called at considerable expense - eeeaww eeeaww eeeaww. Conference on on-going situation. TV news crew alerted to news-worthy critical situation. Health and Saftey officer consultation. School must be closed for H&S reasons. Thousands of people and business disrupted. Thousands of additional journeys (on icy roads) putting even more countless thousands at risk. More conferences, lots of form-filling, written reports, recommendations (need to order road salt before Winter?), targets set, performance monitoring.

    What a total load of cobblers! What a message to the kids about facing up to risk in the real world; taking responsibility for your own actions; taking individual initiative; employing elementary common sense! Ship a few head teachers out to Gaza to see what risk is all about.

    Is it that the generation that lived through the blitz are gone? In the rather cushioned '60s I drove a motor scooter through 20 foot snowdrifts to get to school. And you know we were handed strange things called shovels, which were great at moving snow and ice. The exercise was quite good for our health, and the resulting paths through the school yard were equally good for our safety. Unfortunately we didn't have pretty strips of flourescent plastic to cordon off the snowfall and ice, you just sort-of kept to the cleared bits using your own powers of observation.

    Damn thought you were on about HP :lol: :lol: :lol:

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