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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. spacemen came traveling:

    ho ho !*!@# ho what a crock of s**t:

    Rudolf the brown nosed reindeer:

    Santa clause you !*!@# where's my !*!@# bike:

    oh and the Alexandra one... Hallelujah


    Your !*!@# bike is on the back of some !*!@# !*!@# ford transit tipper,on the way to Jebbs as we speak :lol: :lol:

  2. As i said not sure on details now, it might not even be at the station, his mum lives at the stn tho .... news travels fast around bedlington so no doubt we will find out more

    Taking the mutt to Cambois to make its usual sh.. sand castles I drove through the station,squad cars and fire trucks racing up Bridge Terrace,never took much notice,just thought the usual drug bust was going down!

  3. Neil I have lived and worked in and around bedlington for 20 odd yrs or more and you know what, I couldn't tell you when or who you will play next! I do not recall seeing anything advertised locally in shops or local pubs. If you want people like me to support terriers then you need to do something about getting the info to us. Prices would be a good start.

    Or why not put this forum to better use!

    I'm sure I can think of a few things to help you just give me a bit of time!

    By the way I hope you win when you play again against whoever :D

  4. Wednesday night we had about 50 there, today I'd say about the same with a few from Northallerton. So why is, that a town like Bedlington cannot get decent attendances through the gates of their top non-league side?

    Let’s take Blyth, they have a good history, just like ourselves yet easily can get 300+ through the gates at a higher price when they play teams from lower leagues?

    Bedlington, not too dissimilar in size to Blyth, also have a good history yet cannot get people through the gates no matter how hard they try? When we had success we would get 250+ every game, yet now, when we REALLY need backing, everybody has gone?

    The chairman, Dave Holmes, and the people around him invest a lot of their own time into the club for no reward, and they need help. It’s as simple as that. Whether it be coming to the game and paying the £4 or offering to get involved with the club it doesn't matter. But we need to know that the town actually care about their team. I mean, we even have one of the best clubhouses in the league and the welcome you get is second to none.

    We have plans for the future, big plans, but the only thing that will happen if things don't change will be the death of a club because the local community failed to get behind them in their hour of need. The town should have taken the warning a couple of years back when the club nearly folded, but it took two people from outside of the town to save it. Surely they are enough people in Bedlington to get a committee into the club working in a professional manner to drive the club on?

    It pains me to say it, but it’s a shame that the town of Bedlington seem to have turned their back on the one successful sporting team that helped put the town firmly on the map only a few years ago.

    Unfortunately Neil, Terriers have had a lot of bad press over the last few years and lost the trust of the people of Bedlington,well documented on this site,due particularly to one family! At one point we were assured that they would never be involved with the club again,yet low and behold a few month later up they pop again involved with the club.You will have to get a good PR campaign going to win the trust of the people and businesses of Bedlington,especialy if you are looking for financial support,Good luck mate.....You'll need it!

  5. Ocean Palace is quite simply S**T since it changed hands. Now on the other hand The Panda Inn also on glebe road is fantastic!

    Found out recently that Chinchillas in Bedlington is independant of all the other chinchilla's in the area and have had a lot of complaints,I use the one at Stakeford(Ashington Drive)

    For kebabs Kings is the King!!

    Wonder why I am so bloody fat? :lol:

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