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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Hope i see some of you guys soon i will be home for month as of next Monday

    Brian I hope you have great time,don't know how long you've been away but you must be looking forward to coming back! Good times to you and yours.

  2. Offices to rent upstairs, and downstairs has been rented to the folk who had the furniture shop ahind Tescos, think it was called Sandgate furniture.

    Carpet shop behind Tesco has got the Lion,council are blocking plans to lower windows to ground level! Is The Lion not a listed building? Is The Lion part of the Front Street conservation area that regulates changes to the frontage of buildings?

  3. wey shut up! they be finished for chrimbo! if they get there fingas out they arses and do sumit! :D

    No chance! The speed they workin they not be finished til next summer!

    Watched this bloke lay one brick(those big white ones they puttin round the black wall)it was all skew wiff to the eye but he still put his level on to make sure,yes sure enuff it was skew wiff,time to sit down for a tab and contemplate what to do next! I exit the scene of activity to see what I can lift from Tesco's,after half an hour decide there's nowt to lift so vacate the premises,sure enuff he's still there lookin at this brick with a fag in his gob,god bless him he might still be there now :o

    It'll break his heart when they finished an Tesco dig the whole bloody lot up again to revamp their store,but !*!@# happens eh! Folks!

  4. Not naming names but a kid on his way home from Hollymount got jumped on by a couple of blokes who had been in the Black Bull.

    The lad had run into Best Bite after the attack, and that's when the police and ambulance were called.

    Did the mooses attack him like :lol::lol::lol:

  5. "

    Who is the biggest thief in Alnwick ?

    Is it one of the "old" thieving Alnwick families from "the lanes" (the C****ns family for example) ?

    Or perhaps "Tip Toe" (A.B.) from the more recent past ?

    Or even the Shilbottle brothers who at one time liked to "lift" metal from the railway lines ?

    Could it be one of the newer "young guns", driven by a drug habit or just a sick desire to steal ?

    One of the storespeople at Argos? Or somebody stealing wildly as Woolworths closed down ?


    None of the above.

    The winner of this title, of the Biggest Thief in Alnwick, can only go to a man once heralded as a mainstay of the community, a recognised local historian and an easily recognisable face to locals.

    That person is A****n I**s, a Trustee at the local Museum, who is known by us of an older generation as a man who was never averse to taking anything that wasn't nailed down, from empty properties, in the name of local history.

    A man who has for many years been given items to pass on to the local Museum, and instead has kept the most valuable for himself.

    A man who has taken advantage of a recent upheaval at the local Museum to go through every item in the place, and take what he wants for himself.

    A man who has even stolen historical paperwork from colleagues at that Museum.

    Who has stolen valuable Museum records, putting future projects in jeopardy.

    Now ... you'd think this would be a petty enough matter, but .... these items we are talking about amount to thousands and thousands of pounds, and many are of immeasurable historical significance.

    ALL stolen and gone, into Mr I**s's personal collection.

    The Biggest Thief in Alnwick.



    The simplest way to find out ?

    Ask at the Museum what happened to all of their old photographs that have been donated, whereupon most of the volunteers clam up and a substantial number demonstrate considerable embarassment.

    Or ... test the waters by handing a valuable item to that certain person above, telling him that it is for the Museum.

    Then, a month or so later, check with the Museum to see if it has been handed over to them.

    And, if it HAS, then whose name it has been handed over in ...



    I was talking to an officer from Alnwick Council about the stalled Gentoo development at Stonewell Lane which has of course kept that footpath closed for some time now.

    The Council man told me that the above person (along with a tall youngster from the local Museum) had ben given permission to look for items throughout the whole old Foundry site, for the Bailiffgate Museum.

    Our sticky-fingered friend loaded up the back of his car with various items of pottery and ironwork.

    It seems that Gentoo had hoped for some sort of Gazette piece on this, showing them in a good light re local history, etc, but ... upon their enquiries at the Museum as to what had happened to these items, the response was "What items ? We've never had such items from there."

    And for some other experienced local info on this person, why not ask the previous owner of the Bric-a-Brac shop what his thoughts are ...!!


    Whaat is going on therir??

    If you so sure get the bloody Polis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Your recollection of the schedule is better than mine though. All I can remember is the opening sequence of Robin Hood;

    Ah well I knew it was toffee, following the link that you supplied I know see that the program I was thinking of was, Highway Patrol (Broderick Graford). Robin Hood there's a blast from the past, if I remember correctly the signature tune sold a lot of records.

    One to ponder on, what was the first Bedlington business to advertise on TTTV? I am sure that you know the answer to that question but does anyone else?

    !*!@# Heaps'R'Us????????

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