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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. Cympil


    Maddies mother is to be declared a suspect http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6982969.stm
  2. Were you a fan of his Monsta?
  3. I wouldn`t have thought any of that would have been allowed on a radio show
  4. Will you not be using Tesco`s CK? Their pasties contain real meat,unlike Greggs
  5. They can close the whole Front Street for me,the only place i use is the Post Office and when the little shops all close,all the people that are out of a job can go to Tescos and get a one
  6. Heathrow prank - Airport tannoy mischief ..Click Here (contains swearing) but very funny
  7. Somerfield might be an established shop but it rips people off simply because it knows that most of the folk that shop there can`t get over to Asda for their shopping so they up their prices and rob folks eyes oot. I`m glad they`re closing,the greedy bast*rds What`s bomber jeans anyway,i`ve never heard of them? Are you not getting mixed up with a bomber jacket?
  8. Wey if you know what the drink does to you,you shouldn`t drink
  9. Here`s a photo of the Miners Picnic, i`m not sure of the date.
  10. Nokia have announced a recall of phone batteries. Some are overheating whilst being charged The battery concerned is made by Matsushita, model number BL-5C. There is a full list of which phone models may be affected. http://batteryreplacement.nokia.com/batteryreplacement/en/
  11. Crap and expensive no doubt.
  12. Judge listens to the evidence, then disregards it all and decides what the hell he likes based on how he feels that day. Innocent, Honest person goes to jail because they told the truth, under caution, and was convicted because they were the only ones stupid enough to admit to any part in it, therefore it must have all been their fault. Police go to pub, celebrating their 'victory' and the extra points they have to show the government what a good job they are doing. Its all ****** wrong, and i for one am sick of it. I think i'll move to France. So,this "honest" person who told the truth (under caution) was convicted because he admitted a part in it? He was hardly innocent then I would say it must have been his fault too
  13. Does the council never go down to clear it up?
  14. Apparently,from September 2007, the use of Tasers will no longer be limited to firearms officers,the normal bobby could be walking around with one "More than 3,000 Tasers have been issued to firearms officers in Britain since 2003. Between then and July 2007, they were used in more than 800 incidents. Officers could only use them when confronted by an armed attacker, but in July 2007 those powers were extended to include incidents of serious violence or threat. From September 2007, the use of Tasers will no longer be limited to firearms officers. As part of a 12-month trial, other frontline police from 10 forces in England and Wales will carry the stun guns. The Home Office says these officers will undergo a rigorous selection procedure and will have to complete Acpo-approved training. The forces taking part are Avon and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, Gwent, Lincolnshire, Merseyside, Metropolitan, Northamptonshire, Northumbria, North Wales and West Yorkshire." I just hope they don`t get mugged for them
  15. You`ve got a good point there.I’d rather be shot with a taser than a live round (as long as it wasn`t Dave holding the taser)
  16. It`s been reported on the news that the police are to be equiped with electronic taser weapons. It is argued that tasers provide a non-lethal way to detain violent and potentially violent criminals. They incapacipate people by firing electric charges into their body, but is said to do no lasting damage. Even the threat of taser deployment can calm many situations. However, opponents of taser use have previously argued that such weapons can indeed cause significant health problems. Amnesty International says they are "inhumane" and has documented 245 deaths as a result of taser use. What do YOU think?
  17. Do you grow Bonsai trees then? If so...Why?
  18. So this is really gonna happen?
  19. Australia would have been my second choice after Canada too..What`s the price of things over there,groceries and clothing wise,is it cheaper than the UK?
  20. I hope it`s not more rumours..we could do with a Tesco here.I`d rather have a Tesco than a Wetherspoons anyday!
  21. :lol: It`s a nice area,infact most of the Top End way of Bedlington is nice. There was a rumour going around about the first houses that were built there sinking though,they were built on an opencast site apparently..don`t know how true this is though
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