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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. Jackknife, potluck,viewpoint and i`m stuck with the last two words.aster and poet???
  2. No food,no drink,no toilets,hard work,bring your own wheelbarrow and shovel..great fun? Not my idea of fun
  3. Happy Birthday to you too!!
  4. CK was talking to me i think and for the record,i can`t do the splits but i can do a roly poly..is that good enough
  5. Favourite motorbike is an old Triumph coz i used to fly around Bedlington on the back of one a while back Who`s the best moderator on the Bedlington forum and why?
  6. I haven`t got a second pm..unless it`s totally invisible like..
  7. Mr Darn,have you been deleting my smilies? Coz normally,if it`s you thats done it you leave a reason why...or was it someone else?
  8. Good one :lol: :lol:
  9. That`s the whole point Mongo..you`ve gotta guess where the ball is likely to be..
  10. Ok...It`s D 9 I wouldn`t have got it either
  11. Aye :lol: Will i tell ya the answer?
  12. Nope..more "left" and down
  13. Terry McCann from "Minder" easily! If you were a car,what kind of car would you be?
  14. Wrong..i`ll give you a clue..it`s on the left side of the golfer
  15. Wrong answer He`s hard up so he can`t afford any
  16. the question is "What or who makes you laugh out loud?"
  17. See who can guess where the ball is first ( i should of said ..where the ball is ment to be)
  18. A wouldn`t have thought so..she`s getting on a bit now
  19. Em..this is an "Interview the next poster" thread..you have went off topic! Mr Darn will have to moderate your post now
  20. Lady Muk What or who makes you laugh out loud?
  21. What`s the answer Mr Darn? It`s gonna be Christmas soon
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