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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. Have you only got one like? You don`t have a comb-over do you
  2. This could turn out a funny thread if folk join in....follow on from my sentence to make a story.. It was a cold, dark, misty Halloween night............
  3. and...i sometimes find myself counting my steps in between lamposts am i normal?
  4. ......you still do now??? I still try to walk along the path without stepping on the joins/cracks sometimes anyway
  5. He must like getting the cold shoulder
  6. Aye..Someone asked him if he was doing panto this year... He said 'No way, I did Aladdin 6 years ago and it's still haunting me'
  7. and the workers at Glasgow airport had ordered a takeaway..they weren`t owa happy when tha indians arrived burnt
  8. Who`d have thought that He-Man could be offensive eh?
  9. :lol: :lol: you seem to have gotton the knack Well you do like everything pink
  10. Take this you blaggard
  11. :lol: :lol: you get funnier by the minute and anyway,the mods don`t need me to mock them,they make a mockery of themselves..and the forum :lol: :lol:
  12. That`s a clue anyway..glad he`s back
  13. I`m still non the wiser..no matter..this is life
  14. He`s probably still in bed man
  15. Who`s Alan Johnston?
  16. :lol: :lol: He`ll love that..hope he`s got a hanky handy
  17. Wey since am in the same place as Blank and the others...pretty much the same Bah..that was canny boring ZZzzzzzzzzz
  18. :lol: :lol: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. It`s not black clouds..it`s just Dave lurking
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