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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. Have you got a comb-over Pete? :lol:
  2. Keith Chegwin Timmy Mallett for obvious reasons That bloke off the window advert "BOGOF" Lorraine Kelly..agrees with and loves ALL her guests Richard Madeley..up his own !*!@# Elton John..Bad wigs and podgy fingers
  3. Who gets your vote? For me it`s.. Dawn French AND Lenny Henry David Dickinson (Cheap as chips) Victoria Beckham Geri Halliwell David Hasselhoff... Loads more shall appear as i think of them
  4. I still go finding conkers and knocking them off trees with a stick..and i`m always trying to find the biggest one
  5. ...a wife..she wasn`t much to look at but she had an enormous...
  6. ....jumped in the nearest taxi and sped off to....
  7. ...a think a might of chipped me tooth there,so...
  8. piece of bomb what had been hidden in the macindians..a loud explosion went up and the asian.....
  9. with extra cheese and loads of rupee on..he took a bite and...
  10. decided to go for a McDonalds..so off he went in search of....
  11. ...from his friends,he would be able to snap the chicken off his wrinkly things.Too bad he didn`t have any friends he would have to make do with using a.....
  12. ...agony.."Aaaaargghhhhh will someone get this chicken off me!" but no-one would help him,because...
  13. ... let a tremendous sigh of relief out "Phew,i nearly got ran owa there!".By then,the chickens were scurrying and flapping around the field and one of them....
  14. his hair on fire,ten massive police vans were hurtling behind him,then just as...
  15. :lol: :lol: I wonder if they`re trying to get info off him..they`ll be sticking sellotape all owa him and riving it off him then hoyin salt n vinegar on him.."Tell me all you dorty bomber or you`ll be getting more of the same thing"
  16. and i bet he`s still smoking in hospital :lol: :lol:
  17. munch all the choccie off a kit-kat then eat the wafer last..
  18. ...through the hen cree,when all of a sudden....
  19. Them that smashed into the airport were smoking and nowt was said to them
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