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Everything posted by Cympil

  1. I haven`t got a clue..it`s giving me brain-strain
  2. Correct! What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and deserts without sand?
  3. Correct! Are these too easy? Ok,another one... Two mothers and two daughters go to a pet shop and buy three cats.Each female gets her own cat. How is this possible?
  4. Correct answer..Try this one.. A woman was a window washer.One day,she slipped and fell off of a 40-foot ladder onto a hard concrete path.She didn`t get a scratch. How could this be?
  5. You are lost in a forest.The forest is between two villages.In village "A" live only liars-they always lie. In village "B",people always tell the truth.You want to go to village "B".Then you see a man from village A or B.You can ask him only one question. Which question will you ask him to know for sure where village B is?
  6. I`ve heard of "Help the Aged" but that`s a bit owa the top
  7. Has to be my Levi jeans,i`ve had them for ages but the more washed out and raggy they get,the better they look.. What`s your happiest memory of childhood?
  8. ...pee taking friends,so i`m not going back till....
  9. Roast Beef and Yorkshire pud with all the trimmings! If you were an animal,what animal would you be and why?
  10. Ask anything you want (not hacky) - the next person to post will answer your personal question and then ask another personal question for the next poster..... Do you have a hobby...if so, what is it?
  11. Wey,the council has been sending letters out saying that if they need to come in to your house to do repairs etc,you`ll not be allowed to smoke,so you`ll have to leave your own house to have a tab..so it`ll be the same for home helps.The old folk will have to stand in the rain and have their tab if the home-help is in
  12. Gotta disagree with you there..look at the bottom of the bollards,there`s still wet cement on them and there`s wet cement around the bottom of them too
  13. ...of the world is nigh,quick,run to the hills where we can have a picnic and scoff our faces with...
  14. ...my name is..my name is..Slim Shady.. So off they skipped to somewhere over the rainbow and jumped into the nearest...
  15. ...a quaver for each lug..and a..
  16. Paul Dannan..annoying little irritant Sophie Anderton..What a whiney,twisty,annoying woman Lionel Blair Prince Edward Peter Andre
  17. ...Mongo,who had been banished to the forest forever more..but he was over the moon,because after all the bother he had caused,he could now....
  18. You`ve got a good point there Mr Darn..I was right in the first place..they`ve barred there`sels in
  19. Anthrax Island..Nice one
  20. Wey a penny floater is one of them cheap plastic footballs that blow away before you get chance to kick them and chipstix are them maizey stick things that stick to your teeth when you eat them,so....i dunno..you`ll hetta use your imagination
  21. ...then he would do away with her good and proper..so,chopper in hand,he...
  22. .....wife standing next to him.He felt totally shown up,he decided there and then that the wife had been a mistake.He thought for a moment.Then it came to him,the perfect plan! He decided to...
  23. That`s it exactly How daft can you get :lol: :lol:
  24. If no-one notices in the next few answers i`ll tell ya
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