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Symptoms last won the day on February 24

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  1. Your Linen Press looks to be made from Satinwood commonly used for this purpose as its natural oils deterred moths and other creepy-crawlies (fleas). When I have a minute I'll upload some photos of my Satinwood bedroom press and dressing table for comparison ... similar carving. When the fashion for presses ended many were converted into wardrobes but they lacked the depth (front to back) to accomodate clothes hangers on a rail like modern wardrobes, so hooks were usually screwed into the carcassing around the inside. I also have a very large Victorian mahogany linen press in another bedroom which has some 'converted hanging space' but also retains internal drawers for folded clothes; again, a photo to follow. It's good that your linen press seems to be unaltered as much 'old' furniture has been repurposed.
  2. That picture of the Platform Ticket brought back fond memories. Back in the 60s loads of us lads used to go to the Mayfair in Newcastle to see bands ... we'd get the United bus from the Red Lion to the Haymarket. Trouble was the last bus back from the Toon would have been maybe 10 or 11pm, so no transport back when the show ended at 1 am approx. The only solution was to go to the Central Station and catch the 3am London to Edinburgh Mail Train which stopped at the Toon and Morpeth. We'd then walk from Morpeth to Bedders. The trouble was you couldn't wait in the Central Station as the British Transport cops used to throw you out unless you had a ticket. We weren't going to buy one for the full travel cost to Morpeth but always got a Platform Ticket out the machine (I think it might have cost 2d), waited in the station, then got on the train ... no ticket checks that time of night ... we did this for years.
  3. And that day comes around again tomorrow. Go to: https://hmd.org.uk/ for info.
  4. Seasonal Greetings to all here and wishing you all a happy New Year.
  5. EVs are a brilliant idea ... until (as others here have said) you look at the vehicle charging infrastructure; I'd buy an plugin EV if I could be sure of decent range and loads of FAST charging stations. My observations when out and about is how scarce they are and when you see one that works there's usually a queue of cars waiting to get a connection. I currently drive a 'mild hybrid' - 3 litre diesel engine with a big battery under the floor for the leccy motors so don't plugin. They talk about fast home charging but most of the UK housing stock has limited electrical capacity - if you're lucky it'll be 100amps but more usually 80amps so good luck with getting a fast charger with that sort of 'crippled' supply even if you're lucky enough to have a driveway to park the motor; ditto the street lamp idea ... limited electrical capacity. So what about the hydrogen route ... makes sense for HGVs until you look at our old friend the infrastucture issue. There's an article in The Engineer magazine discussing the issue in the USA and the ENORMOUS cost of building it. https://www.theengineer.co.uk/content/news/project-launched-to-advance-heavy-duty-hydrogen-refuelling-infrastructure So, SYM says, burn the diesel and to hell with polar bears.
  6. HPW - perhaps there's someone near you and on here with a scanner; some of these have software that'll scan handwriting then convert it into text ... any mistakes could be picked up via you proof reading the results and making corrections. The fact that you're using a computer to access this place may mean that your PC may have voice to text software so all you need is a microphone to dictate into ... currently, this type of software is very accurate for 'normal' speech so I don't know how it'll cope with a dialect. You'll recall that we messaged each other previously when I advised you to maybe get an agent for your project ... these folk have loads of resources including contacts who may help with recording/transcribing your story. Also, don't forget that podcasts are huge these days and there may be an additional outlet there for your story. There will be an audience for it. Whatever you do keep writing the stuff and make sure that you leave instructions about what should happen to your archive when you're gone. Don't really worry about your tale being written in pen and ink ... some of our greatest writers used the method (and some still do).
  7. As to polls ... when I was finishing as a student back in the dim and distant I got a short job with a polling company during the 1974 General Election. Our briefing was to go out to canvass the views of folks on the mean streets of London's West End about the worth of Labour/Tory/Libs (Wilson/Heath/Thorpe). However, we were told only to approach certain folks identified by the way of their appearance, i.e., well-dressed elegant women and affluent looking blokes; we were told not to approach poorer looking people or those with kids ... this was to more or less skew the findings. As a result I've never trusted polls or those who rely on them to build their arguments. Of course, I will always trust polls conducted for my beloved Guardian.
  8. Indeed - Oh, what joy! The exit poll at 10 o'clock last night ensured Sym could enjoy his night of gorging on crisps and Broon whilst gloating on the results as they came in. Gone were ReeceSmog, PennyMortuary, GrantShats ... just a shame RushtiTushti & JeremyC*nt survived. Shame the grinning Frogface got in but with just a few of his swiveleyed scragends elected elsewhere he still deserves Sym's beach statue for f*cking up the Toryscum. Rejoice, Rejoice, and thrice Rejoice ... at least there's a chance (and it's only a chance) now for things to improve for the ordinary folks of Blighty.
  9. Well, I'm very moist at the prospect of well-deserved Toryscum wipeout. Oh what joy!! For the first time in decades I'll be staying up all night to witness all those Portillo moments remembering all the hurt and cruelty inflicted by those corrupt shits. I also don't hold out much hope that things'll change much over the life of the next parliament for most of the folks in Blighty. The rich are always insulated from the effects of crap government whilst the lives of the majority stagnate and suffering is heaped on them. On the way to the Polling Station I hope folks remember the 14 years of fewer dentists, crumbling schools and hospitals, care workers and nurses expelled, teachers deserting in droves, pot holes everywhere, multi-million pound 'bungs' for Tory chums during Covid, insider betting on the election date, Tory sex scandals, Partygate, Grenfell, colluding with P&O to replace their staff with cheap foreign workers, allowing the Peelers to batter easy targets (black folk for example) but leaving environmental crackerjacks free to disrupt using glue and Hamas rapist/murderer apologists free to chuck red paint at Barclays and terrorise Jewish folk, a record tax burden, the hatred of 'dusky Johnnie foreigner' that seeps out of all Tory pores, Brexit blood dripping from their claws, the rotting lettuce wrecking the economy, Stop, Stop, Sym - the Bedder's server ain't big enough for all the Toryscum's crimes against the poor folk of Blighty to be listed. As for the grinning frog face - I agree he's a natural performer (just like Boris Kerfuffle Johnson and that Austrian fella with the moustache) and probably great company down the boozer in the 1970s when everybody's pissed or doing a turn at the late Bernard Manning's Embassy Club but he's a one trick pony (or phoney), a poor man's Enoch Powell, however, if he and his rabble contributes to the destruction of the Toryscum then we should erect a monument to him on the beach at Clacton next to the sewer outfall so it gets covered in shit twice a day when the tide comes in. Talking of that moustachioed Austrian and his infamous playbook ... we are beginning to see some of it being played out again by some sections of Reform - blame the Muslims (the Jews back in the 20s & 30s) for the Nation's ills, propose rounding them up into holding camps and then shipping them to the East (look what happened last time). Oh, and the signing of a Ribbentrop type pact of steel with that mad Yankee dictator. Well, at least will be able to look forward in five years time to torchlight parades and banners hung from every lamp post and building. I just hope that most folks will see sense and vote for common decency and for the party that might, just might, improve the lives of those who've been stiffed over the last 14 years. Vote Labour I say.
  10. Oh! ... I have to have a go at this. 1. The most fragrant Kier will sweep into No10 having slaughtered the Tory scum by a monster margin - 500 seats to a rump of opposition parties. He will be singing Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice as he goes through the black door. 2. The glorious Labour Party will sweep all the crazy SNP out of office up in chillyjockoland. 3. The devine Angela will co-ordinate the rounding-up of all those corrupt and swivel eyed Tory/Reform/Brexit nutters and house them in re-settlement centers before shipping them off to Rwanda in cuffs ... this will be broadcast during prime time on the wonderful BBC. 4. An arrest warrant will be issued for Boris Kerfuffle Johnson for crimes against public decency. He'll be captured in some upstairs room in a Soho knocking shop. After a lengthy trial at the Old Bailey he'll be found guilty and sent down for a 10 stretch at the Scrubs where he'll become the 'plaything' of a brutal lifer. 5. Tony Blair should join Johnson at the Bailey but will instead spearhead Blighty's re-entry into membership of the EU. 6. Manchester City are found guilty of all that financial naughtiness and stripped of all their silverware and relegated to the Northern Counties Sunday League. The mighty Toon sweep all before them and cement their place as UK/Europe's top dogs. 7. The Yankees elect Trumpet in November and he declares war on China/Russia/North Korea and the World as we know it ends.
  11. Thank you both for the helpful info. I'll do some editing of the school karting footage and then attempt to upload ... fingers crossed.
  12. Is the old school building still standing? One of the posts above suggested it was going to be demolished but Google Street View dated 2023 shows it still standing. It would be great if a local could stick a camera around the gate post during the Easter holiday (no kids about!!!!) and then share with us expats what the place looks like now.
  13. Is it possible to upload short video clips to the forum? I asked this question many years ago but didn't get an answer; maybe back then the technology didn't exist here to do it but maybe now the guy with the Forum's toolbox (is it one of the Gs?) has added this enhancement. I've got 1960s 8mm film (now digitized) taken by my late father of some Bedlington related stuff that it would be good to share, eg. school karting.
  14. It’s that time of year again when thoughts of old friends emerge again and fond memories stir the soul. I hope everybody here is well. Wishing you all good time over the holidays and a safe happy New Year. Sym
  15. Canny - I don't know for sure why he was carried home but my guess would be the pit owners didn't want to fork out; remember these were the guys who stiffed the miners in the 1920s AND during WW2 when they attempted to reduce wages. They clearly wanted to pass on the cost to the family. My Grandfather returned to work and lasted underground until just after Nationalisation when he had to quit due to getting pneumoconiosis, commonly known as 'black lung disease'; he died of it in 1950. The NUM (for our younger viewers - The National Union of Mineworkers) in late 1948 fought the newly formed NCB (again, for our younger viewers - The National Coal Board) for compensation and my Grandfather was the first miner in th UK to get a payout from the NCB; my Mum told me it was £500 (today worth about £22,000).
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