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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Sign the petition... http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/nfppostcodes/ I could do some pretty interesting things with this data to benefit the site.
  2. OK Royal Mail are suing the company that provides the post code data to the people that provide the RSS feed so they've taken it down. If anybody from the County Council planning department is reading this how about providing an RSS feed from the source? It's supposed to be for public consumption so why not make it easier to syndicate?
  3. I've been using a Canon 500D. I was tempted by the high def movie mode and the flexibility interchangeable lenses brings to this. Likes... Low light performance.Interchangeable lenses.large display.High resolution.Very low time to first shot. Dislikes... Intentionally crippled movie mode that forces bodges to get full manual control.No external mic input. (Using an external Zoom H2 Audio Recorder)no 25fps option at 1080p movie mode.
  4. It's not feed source is screwed, working on fix. Thanks for pointing it out.
  5. If they know so much about the flaws in their own operating system why don't they just fix them?
  6. The Bedlington Christian Fellowship are holding a coffee, craft and cakes event on Saturday 24th October Between 10.00 am and 12.30 pm at Vulcan Place. All proceeds from the event will go to support New Hope for Childrens orphanages and education projectsin Bogota, Columbia. No entry charge.
  7. Just whenever you see a phrase around the forums like "add reply", "start a new topic" etc. that you think would have a good geordie equivalent just post it in this thread.
  8. I've added a new Geordie language to the forums for a bit of fun. If anybody has any suggestions on things to change post them here and we'll make sure they're not lost to history. Basically anything that isn't user contributed can be translated so error messages, button text, headings and labels etc. are all fair game. To change to geordie use the drop down menu at the bottom of the page.
  9. We've had information that this issue and the results of the poll are likely to be produced at the next Town Council meeting. If you haven't already voted in the poll you should do so without delay to make sure your opinion counts.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqg3Pg2M9WU
  11. Ticking the global box will watch every topic which is not what he wants. He has that unchecked as it should be but he hasn't been unchecking the box on individual posts. I think the suggestion of setting the global box to on by default with maybe daily digests as the default notification setting would be a good compromise. That way newbies won't get their inboxes flooded but they will still get notified and the more experienced users will know they can change this to what they like in any case.
  12. I think if you use quick reply it won't subscribe you, If I'm wrong though i'll revert to the usual behaviour of having to check the box to subscribe.
  13. when you start or reply to a topic you need to look under "topic options" below the post entry and uncheck the box.
  14. My guess is people have actually gone outside in the sun for the last couple of days. I've been getting a bit of gardening done while it's been good.
  15. Currently tucking in to a Chicken Pathia from Bombay Nights on Glebe Road... tasty! hot hot!
  16. Just disabled it for a while. It's time will come.
  17. They were only ever used as forum markers. They won't appear in the topic list as there are too many possible variations e.g. pinned, closed, poll etc to illustrate even for the bedlington terriers extensive emotive talents.
  18. Just hit refresh a couple of times.
  19. Nope some new full height street lights. Theres also about 10-12 smaller lamp posts in the Market Place itself so should be reasonably well lit.
  20. Good call, I've added back the doggies.
  21. Thanks everybody, went out to celebrate last night. I'm feeling a bit rough today
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