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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. It rather does look that way doesn't it. The current generation of shoppers are attracted to big high street names and tempting them in to Bedlington would be very difficult at the minute. I still think the spirit of enterprise in the town is very strong though and the amount of people running small businesses from home is staggering. Now if only we could have a central location for them to all get together and promote to a wider audience we might still be able to keep some of that hard earned in the local economy... oh wait hang on!
  2. http://www.npower.com/web/diyloftinsulation/index.htm Delivery included.
  3. Just thought I'd give you all some insight into what is currently being worked on for the town domains and ask for some feedback at the same time. General Integration The member bar that appears in the top right will be available through the entire site not just the community features. Site Pages Firstly, the news pages and static pages (Town Info etc.) will be getting a major overhaul and I'll be making it a lot easier to submit new content and also edit existing pages in a similar vein to wikipedia (The site is about collaboration after all). Article comments will work in a very similar way to posting in the forums and post counts will carry across. Also you will be able to rate articles. The homepage sidebar will be reworked to better present the notifications of latest calendar, gallery, classified entries etc. They are a bit all over the place at the moment. I may even see if I can make it so people can show/hide these widgets on an one-by-one basis. Classifieds and Business Directory Both will be getting integration improvements. Classifieds will also be syndicated between the Morpeth and Bedlington domains. The Business Directory will be getting search, category and mapping support. Not only that it is going to be listed as "Shopping" in the menu and will feature more than a bland directory, it will feature local shopping tips and all traders will be able to post special offers to appear alongside. Local Traders get in touch for ways we can help you! Issue Tracker The issue tracker will also be getting mapping support and private issues e.g. Submit a report to the relevant person without it being publically viewable. I'm debating adding anonymous submissions so they can still be tracked publicly but the original poster is kept anonymous. Galleries Too many to list but a better slideshow, reputation system carried to comments, Image rotation, Restrict galleries to your friends list and image notes are some of the highlights. Search The current search is pap and relies on people knowing advanced search techniques such as enclosing a phrase in "" to match the whole phrase or using -word to exclude words or +word to require them. This will become a lot easier. That's about all I can think of at the moment but if you've got any suggestions let me know.
  4. The gap site and the law courts would have been the obvious choice.
  5. It's technically possible yes, but this is no different to any other email provider. It's a good point though I'll see if I can work in some one way encryption based on users passwords so I can't. Don't Read past here if you get easily bored by technical info Just so you know there is currently no way for admins here to read users passwords which is why when people forget we can't just tell them what it is. They need to revalidate by requesting a new generated one that is sent to their email address. The password encryption works by taking the password and putting it through some non reversible wizardry that results in a seemingly random phrase. so... "mysecretpassword" gets turned into "dsfjsd7fsdbf8r7g545b456bhjv5t45c64bsdklmasx9" this only works one way so what we store on the server is the gobbledeygook version when you come to login and type your password in then we put what you entered through the wizardry and compare the result to what's on the server, if they match you're logged in, the password you enter is never stored. So when people ask what's my password the only thing we can give them is "dsfjsd7fsdbf8r7g545b456bhjv5t45c64bsdklmasx9" which wouldn't work. So long story short. I can try and do the same thing with email contents.
  6. Things are moving on nicely with the email features. Should have something up by the new year (fingers crossed).
  7. Here you go. Planning Base-Layout1.pdf BMX track-Layout1.pdf
  8. Yeah when I remember where I put them, stand by!
  9. I usually get it from CPL at Sleekburn too but I've never heard of Straughan. If anybody knows if they're still around then that might be better for me. I'm running out of wood so will probably need some shortly.
  10. Nope, don't remember it. I remember getting ill from the walzer at the fair there though.
  11. I've just added a load of events to the calendar that will be taking place at the market place during December.
  12. Location: Market Place (WEEN) Wansbeck Enterprise Education Network. Christmas Market (Schools own Market) With entertainment from EVENTual
  13. Location: Market Place The Salvation Army will be performing with the school choir in the Market Place.
  14. Location: Market Place 11.30am and 12.30pm FLASH MOB EVENT Organised by EVENTual. Event involving the local schools using as many kids as possible dressed up in red and wearing Santa hats. What is a Flash Mob? A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse.
  15. until
    Free Ice rink in the Market Place. Skate hire also provided free of charge.
  16. Santa and Wansbeck Business Forum Christmas Market. Also present will be an Elf taking letters for Santa.
  17. Stilt Walkers performing in the market place leading people to the Go Wansbeck Community Coach …handing out leaflets on what oppurtunities there are.
  18. Launch of completed Market Place at 4:30pm followed by Christmas lights switch on at 5.30pm Entertainment provided by The Panto Co plus + Painted North, commentary provided by the Panto Co
  19. This event is to raise funds to help Friends of Gallagher Park their work in restoring community pride and cohesion to Bedlington. Featuring local band Athena's Child and singer songwriter Jason Vare, this is an evening not to be missed for anyone who lives in Bedlington.
  20. The Old School public enquiry will take place at Bedlington Community Centre at 10am on Tuesday 15th December.
  21. Plans for a BMX track at Gallagher Park have been APPROVED!
  22. Latest news is the plans have been rejected. The application was to reduce the height of one of the chimney stacks and lower the windows to ground floor level.
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