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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Location - Market Place Featuring Alone Tonight, Painted North and Mike Watts & The Spoots.
  2. Location: Market Place Dance Northumberland will be performing from 11:15am
  3. Location: Market Place Christmas Pantomime by The Panto Company
  4. NCC Flyer and Poster... Countdown flyer A5 (2).pdf countdown to christmas poster (2).pdf
  5. Well there's at least one lit already.
  6. The average non introductory rate of interest on current accounts is wait for it... 0.1%
  7. Would have to agree. Friends dog went there regularly and the stuff they used would bring out the clean smell everytime she got wet. It would fall asleep in the dryer as well.
  8. Looking for an affordable heater with built in timer and thermostat. Any ideas where I can get one locally?
  9. They better it's in the conservation area!! :lol:
  10. Haha no but I'm sure I've uttered words to that effect a few times.
  11. But http://www.bedlington.co.uk/2009/11/christmas-preparations-underway-free-ice-rink/ had it first
  12. It's a yearly American tradition that, not an Obama specific thing.Still, it's pretty daft.
  13. Anybody know why the police were on foot on the front street with a few cars patrolling? I was approached as apparantly I matched the description of somebody they were looking for. They wouldn't give me any info. Are Bedlington's criminal element carrying 10 week old puppies with them on their escapades as a disguise to throw the police off the scent? I don't see how I possibly could have looked like I'd just been engaging in criminal activity. Unless of course somebody is missing a puppy. The officer was very polite just seemed like an odd choice of person to stop that's all.
  14. If it's the one I'm thinking of it's now a hairdressers, unless it was the little shop around the corner which is empty.
  15. The next Bedlington Forum meeting will be held in the Youth Room of the community centre on Thursday 10th December at 6:30pm Meeting to include: Update on the bid for funding to cover the cost of a Feasibility Study for a community and sport facility in Bedlington.What’s on in the Market Place in the run up to Xmas. Progress at the Market Place.Planning hearing.Cycleway to Cramlington.Red Lion Pub, planning application. Minutes of previous meeting are available at
  16. The next Bedlington Forum meeting will be held in the Youth Room of the community centre on Thursday 10th December at 6:30pm Meeting to include: Update on the bid for funding to cover the cost of a Feasibility Study for a community and sport facility in Bedlington.What's on in the Market Place in the run up to Xmas. Progress at the Market Place.Planning hearing.Cycleway to Cramlington.Red Lion Pub, planning application. Minutes of previous meeting are attached Forum Minutes April 16th 2009.doc
  17. OK it's all sorted. No expensive public enquiries no obscene amounts spent on consultancy I've done all the hard work. Here it is Bedlington's new town centre... The social club can move into the community centre.
  18. And while we're at it council offices might as well go as well
  19. I've got a vision! Get rid of the Social Club and The Sun and develop the land from the old school up to the community centre. We've got too many pubs as it is and Elliotts isn't exactly helping the image of the town at the moment. If ever there was a case for some compulsory purchase orders....
  20. Apparantly the community centre is being sold off by NCC. I think it could be better run by a private company but I can't imagine any private owner that takes it on using it for that purpose.
  21. Yep chicken and egg problem. Finding some other non retail things to pull people into the town centre is the answer.
  22. Contracts have been exchanged (not signed) on the gap site so I guess the work is still on. Sooner they get the fancy that facade cleaned up the better as well.
  23. Is it Windows 7 Final or RC? I'm running an RC build and "my" secondary display has a similar problem. Pretty sure it's the monitor though here.
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