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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. who needs a display? Just get all the kids that are setting them off at 5 second intervals right now across the town to schedule a time.
  2. well i've got a home premium family pack here which says "upgrade" and is "designed for Windows Vista". Not sure about n and e. North America and Europe perhaps?
  3. We didn't advertise the fact but we have been planning on giving away a little trophy prize for the member that wrote the 25,000th post in the forums. Well the momentous occasion has arrived. And the winner is. Drum roll.... Malcolm Robinson for his thoughts on this weeks BBC Question Time. Step forward and claim your prize.
  4. Received this email yesterday. It seems people interested in history are often stuck in the past as despite my cajolings for her to register and post it herself it didn't work Ah well better it gets posted by me than not at all.
  5. Well Mrsvic said they'd be back.
  6. I think they are temporary spacers are they not?
  7. Is it not just Baron's buying in to the franchise?
  8. Good question, beyond disposable holiday snaps I've NEVER used a film camera. Sign of the times (Never thought I'd say that ) but it's similar to Newspapers, general consensus is kids being born today will never read a newspaper either.
  9. Post the best photos you've seen here... They can be technically excellent, historically iconic, thought prevoking or just pics of your cat confused by a mirror. Totally up to you but please credit the photographer if known.
  10. Original Source: http://gizmodo.com/5250975/atlantis-launch-infrared-photo-so-crispy-you-actually-want-to-bite-it
  11. Who do you think is/was the best comedy double act? Morecambe & Wise, Smith & Jones, Amstrong & Miller, Mitchell & Webb? Sooty & Sweep?! Plenty to choose from.
  12. Nope, I was last person to post a reply but the last activity was somebody voted in the poll which also bumps the topic. Slightly confusing I know.
  13. Talk Talk security "expert" shows street with news feeds coming from every house in street. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8305379.stm
  14. The Curse of Plessey Woods View the full article at... http://www.bedlingto...-plessey-woods/
  15. Top Country singer Travis Logan will be appearing at Bedlington Terriers clubhouse on Friday 23rd October at 8pm. Travis has just been voted Top UK male country artist and his album has been voted best UK country album of 2009. Tickets are £5 including snacks. All enquiries tel 07853 052450.
  16. Moved to Public Notices and added to the Calendar
  17. Someone's pinched the windows. Somebody go and grab the christmas lights. We could do with some of them for the front street. (legally of course)
  18. "Manage Friends" from the user dropdown is now "Sort oot ya marras"
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