Great to see the videos, looks like a great turn out, thanks Foxy for putting them on hear. Vic, The Toon were a shadow of a football team and a dim shadow at that. They are heading for relegation for sure.
Just viewed it on Live, as you say Vic, an excellent turn out but pity we could not hear the noise. Zoom can be achieved by using Ctrl and + but it gets a bit pixeated.
Never got as far as claes props and dustbin lids, just a bit of cardboard wi a bit of string through it for a shield and wooden swords. When we played cowboys and indians you never got killed, you just counted to ten and you where alive again.
Knights in armor was another good game. We would get cardboard boxes from the shops, paint crests on them, a big box for body armor and smaller one for your heed a bit of cardboard cut in the shape of a shield and a bit of wood for a sword.