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Brian Cross

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Posts posted by Brian Cross

  1. Somewhere where the staff have had a recent wash always works for us, which leaves us with a limited choice...

    Chinchillas (aka the pizza shop under the brothel) have very pleasant staff, a reasonable menu and there's always a News Post Leader to read in their seating area.

    Also the Bombay Nighters are a nice bunch of lads with a good menu who sometimes slip you an extra popadom with your bait and generally have a Sun (or News of the World) to peruse.

    Recently, however we have frequented the takeaway part of the Ashianna which is top notch scran, and they see you to the door - mint! I am not aware that they have any newspapers to read, but they are prompt so I wont deduct points for it.

    How long has Chinchilla's been open for and what sort of food do they sell, where is the shop ..........

  2. Both of my Granddads (and various Uncles) grew leeks to show at their local clubs. I remember them producing very large crops, then selecting the show specimens and the seed plants. They used to camp-out in their allotments to stand guard over the plants nearing show time 'cos of the risk of sabotage to the show specimens and theft of the seed heads. One of my Granddads used to empty the contents of his potty (they did have indoor plumbing but he wanted to save his waste ... yuk) into a 55gal oil drum, this mixed with other stuff (God only knows what) became his leek feed. My memory was that all the old timers throughout the North East were obsessed with growing leeks and showing them.

    Pigeon lofts also seemed to be everywhere when I was a lad ...

    Yes I can remember all of that cloak and dagger stuff going on, including the waste for the leeks and the constant vigilance over the precious plants (some of that goes on over here but a different plant) but you are right about the pigeon lofts they are not around now ................did your rellies win a prize

  3. When i was young and growing up in Bedlington, The leek show was an important event for my Dad and the rest of the male members of our family, at the time i could not understand why they would put all that time into looking after these plants and then in one day it was over and done with,my dads plot was behind Allgood terrace. can't remember any of our lot winning any awards but i suspect it may have been the boozing afterward that made it all worthwhile.

  4. I remember the baths at Humford well, the baths were cold and uninviting but it was where most kids from Bedlington learned to swim, I think i was five when my dear father threw me in to learn to swim. ( R.N. style)

  5. Hi Mickypotts

    Nice to hear from you. I cure my pork in salt brine usually for about 24 hours and then slow smoke it for about 12 hours the fish is different i soak in a brine of brown sugar. salt and water then drain it, then to smoke i use a local hardwood and i add either cherry wood or the local banksia tree which is good when dried it is still a learning time for me ......

  6. Has anyone watched the Beijing Olympics everyone must be proud of Britain's gold medal tally as of this morning still in #3 spot I think it is a great effort and i am proud of Australia's effort now in fifth spot...........

  7. No Mr Darn no burning off ceremony was performed, I did clean them with a high pressure hose but it was not successful, I have been thinking about a new project but i will let a bit of time pass before starting on it, just to let the boss forget.....


    This is the new smoker i bought shame i had to get rid of the one i built

  8. Hi Pete;

    We have these highly paid "sportsmen" out here also, I believe in a second chance for

    everyone but some times it does not work for them as they cannot handle their media profile

    and the money that comes with their contracts so the jury is out, we have to see if he has changed his ways

    Or not .............

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