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Brian Cross

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Posts posted by Brian Cross

  1. doubt i'll be going to craster any time soon! but read this its full of rubbish diagrams and interesting facts, like kippers are only golden because there soaked in a brine bath before smoking! and i thought it was because of the smoke. :o

    I knew they were brined with suminck

  2. the thing is you need the right sort of wood chippings :D dont think Eucalypts, acacias or Kurrajongs produce the right flavour for craster kippers ;)

    Non of the above wood chippings i use American oak usually.....i wonder what sort of wood chips they use at craster or seahouses.......

  3. I Have tried to smoke kippers on my outdoor smoker but they don't taste as good as the Scottish or Craster kippers i use a fish caught here in abundance called Herring (not the same as our herring) but can't get the brine right any help out there ..

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