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Brian Cross

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Posts posted by Brian Cross

  1. Hi,

    On Sunday (6 Dec 09) i shot a few pictures of Gallagher Park using a camera that was set to shot the pictures at 11 MegaPixels but when i tried to upload them to the Gallery on this site it says they are to large, anyone know how i can make the size a bit smaller? The help would be handy and next time it will shot at about 5 MegaPixels!


    Note:When i say making the pictures smaller i dont mean cropping them i mean making the size of the picture smaller.

    Try downloading a site called pixresizer i use 33% it works for me and i am not the best at downloading stuff

  2. hi bri.. you need to create an airflow around the oven.. imajine a box in a box with a 2wo inch space between them ..fire in another box alongside works better than underneath.. have a look at somthing like an old stanly range..a baffle on the chimney to send the smoke around the oven then up the chimney is how you controll the heat..leave a gap at the bottom for cleaning under the oven..hope this helps..stanleys airflow system is probably the best in the world ..easy to copy if your handy with a welder..

    Hi wonky thanks for the tips mate but over the last few months trial and error i have worked the oven out pretty well for instance we had a works party for wife and her mates we had 40 over and we cooked pizzas for them 45 in total in 45 mins we can cook up to eight at a time and the temp reaches 400deg F once the base is hot it is easy............ post-212-12603288990898_thumb.jpg

  3. why does bedlington need a leisure centre? we've got other things such as the woods, the heaps (gallagher park), soon to be bmx track , football fields and a lovely new market place :D

    What is going on with you Monsta you seem so calm {bring back the old Monsta) is there some one new in your life to make this change ,,,,,,,,,, :lol: :lol: :lol: P.S good on you mate and have a good Xmas

  4. Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole in one.

    - What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards.

    - Tiger Woods wasn't seriously injured in the crash, but he's still below par.

    - What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing

    - Tiger Woods crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree. He couldn't decide between a wood and an iron.

    - Tiger should have used a driver.

    What's the difference between Tiger Woods and a Tiger Seal?

    None - They were both clubbed by a Norwegian.

  5. Merlin I am sure that the fishing in alaska would be much better than the North East but you would have to contend with the bears. :D bit to cold for the salties

    I remember years ago being told that the first salmon caught during the season had to be given to the Duke of Northumberland not sure if that still is the case or weather its a falacy

    Catch him a Saltie and give it to him he might change the rule wad ya reckon Pete....crustii-croc8-crop2-300x300.jpg

  6. A blonde, brunette and redhead all decide to participate in the swimming of the English channel.

    They all decided to do the same stroke as it would be fair and they should all finish at the same time. Not wanting to lose energy quickly, they chose breast stroke.

    They all started and a few hours later, the brunette arrives on land, tired.

    The next one to complete it, was the redhead, a couple of hours behind the brunette.

    Lastly, 6 hours after the brunette had arrived, the blonde clambers on shore, absolutely exhausted.

    When the TV crew arrived, they asked her why she took so long, she replied: "Not to be a sore loser or anything but I'm pretty sure I saw the other two using their arms."

  7. A man was walking on the beach one day and he found a bottle half buried in the sand. He decided to open it. Inside was a genie. The genie said," I will grant you three wishes and three wishes only." The man thought about his first wish and decided, "I think I want 1 million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account. !*!@# ! Next he wished for a Ferrari red in color. !*!@# ! There was the car sitting in front of him. He asked for his final wish, " I wish I was irresistible to women." !*!@# ! He turned into a box of chocolates.

  8. You could be on to something here Merlin, this could be the answer to Gordon's economic depresion, if we have a strict breeding program we could use the surplus to make shoes and the like, creating employment and wealth for the country. :lol::lol:

    What breed of person would they be in tended to consume you have to be careful some of them may have a delicate tummy............crocodill2.jpg

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